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- 出版时间:1907
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THE PRINCIPALL NAVIGATIONS OF THE ENGLISH NATION:The letters of the Queenes Majestie written to the Emperour of Russia,requesting licence and safe-conduct for Anthonie Jenkinson,to passe through his dominions into Persia1
The Queenes Majesties letters to the great Sophie of Persia&sent by M.Anth.Jenkinson3
Instructions given by the Governours and Assistants of the Moscovie Company&unto M.Anthonie Jenkinson4
The voyage of M.Anthony Jenkinson through Russia,and over the Caspian sea into Persia,Anno 15619
The privileges given by Obdoloucan K.of Hircania to the Company of English merchants trading in Russia&obteined by M.Anthony Jenkinson29
The voyage of Thomas Alcock,George Wrenne,and Richard Cheyney,servants unto the Company of Moscovy Merchants in London,into Persia,Anno 156330
The voyage of Richard Johnson,Alexander Kitchin,and Arthur Edwards servants to the foresaid company into Persia,Anno 156533
Certaine letters of Arthur Edwards written out of Russia,Media,and Persia,to the Company of the Moscovie merchants in London33
The distance of divers places in Russia53
The way and distances from S.Nicolas in Russia to the Caspian sea55
The voyage to Thomas Southam and John Sparke by land and river from Colmogro to Novogrod in Russia,Anno 156657
An Acte for the corporation of merchants Adventurers for the discovering of newe trades,made in the eighth yeere of the Queenes Majestie66
The voyage of M.Anthony Jenkinson into Russia the third time,Anno 156673
The privileges granted by the Emperour of Russia to the English merchants&obteined by M.Anthony Jenkinson73
A letter of M.Henry Lane to M.Richard Hakluyt concerning the first Ambassage from the Russian Emperour to our most gracious Queene Elizabeth77
A letter of her Majestie,sent by Stephen Twerdico and Pheodata Pogorella,Messengers of the Emperour of Russia,unto their master80
The Ambassage of M.Thomas Randolfe Esquier,from the Queenes Majestie to the Emperour of Russia80
The privileges graunted to the English merchants,at M.Randolfe his sute85
A Commission granted by M.Randolfe for a discovery to the Northeast by sea95
Instructions given to the discoverers for that action97
Certaine letters in verse,written out of Moscovia,by M.George Turbeervile,Secretary to M.Randolfe,touching the state of the Countrey,and maners of the people99
The voyage of Arthur Edwards Agent for the Moscovy company,John Sparke,Laurence Chapman,Christopher Faucet,and Richard Pingle,servants,into Persia,An.1568108
Notes concerning the fourth English voyage into Persia113
The voyage of Thomas Banister and Geffrey Ducket,Agents for the Moscovy Company,into Persia the fift time,Anno 1569119
Observations of the Sophy of Persia,and of the Religion of the Persians126
The voyage of William Burrough Captaine of 13.English ships to the Narve in Liefland,Anno 1570133
A letter of Richard Uscombe to M.Henry Lane touching the burning of the Citie of Mosco by the Crimme Tartar135
The voyage of M.Anthony Jenkinson into Russia the fourth time,Anno 1571136
A briefe rehearsall of all the travailes of M.Anthony Jenkinson157
A letter of James Alday to M.Michael Locke agent in London for the Mscovie Company touching a trade to be established in Lappia158
A note of all the necessary instruments and appurtenances belonging to the killing of the Whale161
The deposition of William Burrough to certeine Interrogatories mooved unto him concerning the Narve and Kegor163
The reasons of M.William Burrough to disswade the use of a trade to the Narve by the way through Sweden166
A remembrance of advise given to the Moscovie merchants,touching a voyage for Cola abovesaid167
An Epistle dedicatorie unto the Queenes most excellent Majestie&written by M.William Burrough168
The Queenes Majesties letters to Shaugh Thamas the great Sophy of Persia171
The voyage of Christopher Burrough into Persia the sixt time,Anno 1579172
The Latitudes and Meridian Altitudes of divers places in Russia,from the North to the South200
Directions given by M.Richard Hakluyt Esquire,to Morgan Hubblethorne Dier,sent into Persia201
A Commission given by sir Rowland Heyward knight,and George Barne Aldermen,and governours of the Moscovie Company,to Arthur Pet and Charles Jackman,for the discovery by Sea towards Cathay203
Rules and orders given to be observed by them in that Discovery210
Briefe advises given by M.John Dee to that purpose212
Instructions given them by Richard Hakluyt Esquire to that purpose also214
The letter of Gerard.Mercator to Richard Hakluyt of Oxford touching that discovery224
The voyage of Arthur Pet and Charles Jackman,sent to discover the Northeast seas beyond the Iland of Vaigats,Anno 1580227
Instructions given by the Moscovie Company unto Richard Gibbs,William Biggat,John Backhouse,&c.Masters of their ships244
The opinion of M.William Burrough,sent to a friend requiring his judgement for the fittest time of the departure of our ships toward S.Nicolas in Russia247
The Queenes Majesties Commission given to sir Jerome Bowes,authorizing him her highnesse Ambassadour with the Emperour of Moscovie249
The Queenes Majesties letters written to the Emperour by sir Jerome Bowes in his commendation250
The discourse of the Ambassage of sir Jerome Bowes to the aforesaid Emperour251
The maner of preferring suites in Russia263
A letter of M.Henry Lane to M.William Sanderson merchant of London,conteyning a briefe discourse of all things passed in our Northren discoveries for the space of 33.yeeres264
The most solemne and magnificent Coronation of Pheodor Ivanowich Emperour of Russia&set downe by M.Jerome Horsey269
The voyage of Master Jerome Horsey over land from Mosco in Russia to England,Anno 1584277
The Privileges graunted by the newe Emperour,to the English merchants,and obteined by the foresaid Jerom Horsey279
The Ambassage of M.Giles Fletcher,Doctor of the Civil lawe,from her Majestie,to the Emperour of Russia284
A notable description of Russia287
A voyage to t' e Northeast,performed by certaine Russes,and translated out of Sigismundus ab Herberstein327
A speciall note gathered by the excellent Venetian Cosmographer M.John Baptista Ramusius,concerning the Northeast passage333
The Lord Boris Pheodorowich his letter to the right honourable William Burghley Lord high Treasurer of England339
The Queenes Majesties letter to Pheodor Ivanowich,Emperour of Russia341
The Queenes Majesties letters to the Lord Boris Pheodorowich346
The L.Treasurer sir William Cecil his letter to the Lord Boris Pheodorowich348
A letter of Pheodor Ivanowich to the Queenes Majestie349
An other letter to the Queenes most excellent Majestie from the Lord Boris Pheodorowich351
A second letter from the Lord Boris Pheodorowich to the L.William Burghley353
A most gracious letter of Privileges given to the English merchants by Pheodor Ivanowich355
The contents of M.Garlands Commission unto Thomas Simkinson for the bringing of M.John Dee to the Emperour of Russia his Court360
A letter to the right worsh.M.John Dee Esquier,conteyning the summe and effect of M.Garland his message361
A branch of a letter from John Merick touching the death of Pheodor Ivanowich362
A learned Epistle written unto the famous Cosmographer M.Gerardus Mercator,concerning the Countreys,Rivers and Seas,towards the Northeast364
The honourable testimonies of divers strangers touching the notable discoveries of the English,made in the Northeast parts367
The vanquishing of the Spanish Armada,Anno 1588369
The voyage of certaine Englishmen sent by the French king to Constantinople,unto Justinian the Emperour,about the yeere of our Lord 500402
The memorable voyage of Sighelmus bishop of Shirburne,sent by king Alphred unto S.Thomas of India,An.883.confirmed by two testimonies402
The voyage of John Erigen,under king Alphred,to Athens,in the yeere of our Lorde 885403
The voyage of Andrew Whiteman,alias Leucander,under Canutus the Dane,to Palaestina,Anno 1020403
The voyage of Swanus one of the sonnes of Earle Godwin,unto Jerusalem,Anno 1052404
A voyage of three Ambassadours sent in the time of king Edward the Confessor,unto Constantinople,and from thence unto Ephesus,Anno 1056404
The voyage of Alured bishop of Worcester unto Jerusalem,Anno 1058406
The voyage of Ingulphus,afterward Abbat of Croiland,unto Jerusalem,An.1064406
A voyage made by diverse of the honourable family of the Beauchamps,with Robert Curtois the sonne of William the Conquerour,to Jerusalem,Anno 1096408
The voyage of Gutwere an English Lady married unto Baldwine brother of Godfrey duke of Bouillon,toward Jerusalem,An.1097409
The voyage of Edgar the sonne of Edward,which was the sonne of Edmund surnamed Ironside,brother unto king Edward the Confessor (being accompanied with valiant Robert the sonne of Godwine) to Jerusalem,Anno 1102410
The voyage of Godericus a valiant Englishman,who travailed with his ships in an expedition unto the holy land,Anno 3.Hen 1411
The voyage of Hardine an Englishman,and one of the principall commaunders of 200 sayles of Christians ships,which arrived at Joppa,Anno 1102411
A voyage by sea of Englishmen,Danes,and Flemings,who arrived at Joppa in the holy land,the sewventh yeere of Baldwine the second,king of Jerusalem,and in the 8.yeere of Henry the first,king of England413
The voyage of Athelard of Bathe to AEgypt and Arabia,in the yeere of our Lord 1130417
The voyage of William archbishop of Type to Jerusalme and to the citie of Tyre in Phoenicia,Anno 1130417
The voyage of Robert Ketenensis,under king Stephen,to Dalmatia,Greece,and Asia,Anno 1143418
A voyage of certaine Englishmen under the conduct of Lewis the French king,unto the holy land,Anno 1147418
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