
- 张继宗著 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:9787030187567
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:457页
- 文件大小:103MB
- 文件页数:469页
- 主题词:骨骼测量-图谱
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第一章 概述Introduction 1
第一节 概念Concept3
一、法医人类学的概念The concept of forensic anthropology3
二、法医人类学研究方法The research methods of forensic anthropology 3
第二节 法医人类学的相关学科The related disciplines of forensic anthropology 4
一、人类骨骼生长发育的研究Study ofdeveloping of human skeleton4
二、骨骼发掘、收集、修复方法的研究Study of excavated,collected and repaired methods of bones5
三、基础医学的研究Study of basic medicine5
第三节 法医人类学的鉴定工作程序Procedure of identified work of forensic anthropology7
一、骨骼的现场检验Examination of bones in field7
二、骨骼的实验室检验Examination of bones in laboratory 7
第二章 动物骨骼与人类骨骼的区别Distinguished bones between human and animal11
第一节 概述Introduction 13
一、人类在自然界中的位置Human position in nature13
二、人类与动物骨骼的比较解剖学研究Bone compared anatomy study ofhuman and animal17
第二节 动物骨骼的基本特征Bone characters of animal22
一、鱼类骨骼的基本特征Bone characters of Osteichthyes22
二、两栖类动物骨骼的基本特征Bone characters of Amphibia23
三、爬行类动物骨骼的基本特征Bone characters of Reptilia24
四、鸟类骨骼的基本特征Bone characters of Aves28
五、哺乳类动物骨骼的特征Bone characters of Mammalia28
第三节 动物骨骼与人类骨骼的区分Distinguished bones between human and animal42
一、动物颅骨与人类颅骨的区别Distinguished skull bones between human and animal43
二、动物躯干骨与人类躯干骨的区别Distinguished truck bones between human and animal54
三、动物四肢骨骼与人类四肢骨骼的区别Distinguished limb bones between human and animal73
第四节 动物牙齿与人类牙齿的区别Distinguished teeth between human and animal105
一、动物牙齿的结构与功能Construction and function of animal teeth105
二、常见哺乳类动物牙齿的特征Teeth characters of Mammalia 109
三、人类牙齿的特点及与动物牙齿的鉴别Distinguished teeth characters between human and animal 122
第三章 骨骼残片的法医人类学鉴定Examination of broken bones of forensic anthropology131
第一节 骨骼组织学的基本特征Characters of bone histology 133
一、长骨的骨骼组织学结构Construction of long bone histology 133
二、骨骼组织的构成Constitute of bone histology136
三、骨骼组织玻片的制作Made flat of bone histology139
第二节 人类骨骼组织学结构的基本特征Characters of human bone histology 141
一、成人的骨骼组织学特征Characters of adult bone histology 141
二、儿童的骨骼组织学特征Characters of child bone histology158
第三节 动物骨骼组织学结构的基本特征Characters of animal bone histology160
第四节 骨骼残片的个体识别Human identification of broken bones 177
一、人类骨骼残片与动物骨骼残片的区别Distinguished broken bones between human and animal177
二、人类骨骼残片的年龄判定Age estimation of human broken bones 188
第四章 骨骼白骨化时间与骨骼损伤Time of skeletonization and bone injure 203
第一节 尸骨白骨化时间的推断Estimation time of skeletonization205
一、动物尸体白骨化的时间判定Estimation time of skeletonization of animal 205
二、人类尸体白骨化的时间判定Estimation time of skeletonization of human 207
第二节 骨骼损伤特征的分析Analysis of bone injury219
一、自然因素所致的骨损伤Bone injury in nature 219
二、人为因素造成的骨损伤Bone injury by human factors222
三、其他因素所致的骨损伤Bone injury by other factors 235
第五章 骨骼的种族鉴定Estimation of races 243
第一节 世界人种的划分Classified races 245
三、澳大利亚-尼格罗人种Australia and black248
四、过渡人种Other races251
第二节 不同人种的骨骼鉴定Estimation of races by skeleton 254
一、颅骨的种族差异Distinguished skull among races254
二、椎骨及长骨的种族差异Distinguished cervical vertebrae and long bones amongraces258
第六章 骨骼的性别鉴定Estimation of sex263
第一节 颅骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by skull 265
一、颅骨表面特征的性别差异Sex characters of skull surface 265
二、颅骨的性别判别分析Sex discriminant of skull 266
三、残破颅骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by broken skull 268
四、下颌骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by mandible 279
第二节 骨盆的性别鉴定Estimation of sex by pelvis283
一、骶骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by sacrum 284
二、髋骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by innominate 286
第三节 躯干骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by truck bones296
一、椎骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by vertebral column296
二、胸骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by sternum299
三、肋骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by rib301
第四节 四肢骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by long bones301
一、上肢骨性别判定Estimation of sex by upper limb bones301
二、下肢骨的性别判定Estimation of sex by lower limb bones318
第七章 骨骼的年龄鉴定Estimation of age by skeleton327
第一节 颅骨的年龄变化Estimation of age by skull329
一、颅缝的年龄推断Estimation of age by skull suture329
二、腭缝的年龄判定Estimation of age by maxilla suture332
第二节 躯干骨的年龄鉴定Estimation of age by truck bones336
一、胸骨的年龄判定Estimation of age by sternum336
二、肋骨的年龄判定Estimation of age by rib341
三、腰椎的年龄判定Estimation of age by lumbar344
四、骶骨的年龄判定Estimation of age by sacrum346
第三节 肢带骨的年龄鉴定Estimation of age by pelvis and clavicle350
一、耻骨联合面的年龄推断Estimation of age by the pubic symphysis350
二、髂骨耳状面的年龄推断Estimation of age by auricular surface of os coxae 360
三、锁骨的年龄鉴定Estimation of age by clavicle362
第八章 骨骼的身高鉴定Estimation of stature365
第一节 颅骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by skull367
一、颅围的身高推断Estimation of stature by cranial horizontal circumference 367
二、颅骨测量的身高推断Estimation of stature by skull measurements367
第二节 躯干骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by truck bones368
一、枢椎的身高推断Estimation of stature by axis368
二、腰椎的身高推断Estimation of stature by lumbar vertebrae369
三、胸骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by sternum372
四、骶骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by sacrum373
第三节 上肢骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by upper limb bones373
一、华南人锁骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by clavicle in South of China 373
二、华南人肩胛骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by scapula in South of China 374
三、华南人上肢长骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by upper limb bones in South of China375
四、肱骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by humerus375
五、尺骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by ulna376
六、桡骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by radius376
七、掌骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by metacarpus376
八、中指骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by phalanges377
九、女性上肢骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by Chinese female upper limb bones 378
第四节 下肢骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by lower limb bones380
一、髋骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by os coxae380
二、华南地区男性下肢长骨的身高推断Estimation of male stature by lower limb bones in South of China381
三、股骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by femur381
四、胫骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by tibia382
五、腓骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by fibula384
六、髌骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by patella384
七、女性下肢长骨的身高推断Estimation of stature by Chinese female lower limb bones385
第五节 骨骼身高推断方法存在的问题Problem in estimation netgid of stature387
一、现应用的骨骼身高推断方法存在的缺陷Problem of estimation of stature with appling methods387
二、中国成人正常身高的参考值Date of Chinese stature387
第九章 牙齿的鉴定Examination of teeth389
第一节 牙齿的种族及性别鉴定Estimation of races and sex by teeth391
一、牙齿的种族特征Race characters of teeth391
二、牙齿的性别差异Sex characters of teeth393
第二节 牙齿的年龄判定Age estimation of teeth394
一、牙齿萌出的年龄判定Age estimation of eruption of teeth394
二、牙齿磨耗的年龄判定Age estimation of teeth attrition395
第十章 颅相重合技术及颅骨容貌复原Superprojection and facial reconstruction409
第一节 颅相重合技术Superprojection technique411
一、颅相重合技术的操作方法Operation of superprojection technique411
二、颅相重合的标准和对重合结果的评价Standard and determination of result of superprojection technique418
第二节 颅骨容貌复原技术Facial reconstruction technique421
一、颅骨复原容貌的原理Principles of facial reconstruction422
二、颅骨复原容貌的技法Methods of facial reconstruction424
第十一章 毛发的检验Examination of hair431
第一节 概述Introduction 433
一、毛发的生理特点Physiological characters ofhair433
二、毛发的结构和理化性质Structure and nature of hair436
三、理化因素对毛发的作用Hair effected by physical and chemical factors 438
第二节 毛发的形态学检验Morphological examination of hair441
一、毛发实验室检验的程序Regulation of hair examination in laboratory441
二、毛发的形态学检验内容Contents of morphological hair examination442
三、毛发形态学检验的方法Methods of morphological hair examination 447
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