

  • 田乃钊编译 著
  • 出版社: 天津:天津人民出版社
  • ISBN:720101384X
  • 出版时间:1993
  • 标注页数:462页
  • 文件大小:8MB
  • 文件页数:482页
  • 主题词:


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1 The Birds'Rondel 鸟儿回旋曲 William Shakespeare(W.莎士比亚)(1564—1616)1

2 Winter Song 冬之歌5

3 Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day 我怎么能把你比作夏天 Thomas Nashe(T.纳什)(1567—1601)10

4 Spring,the Sweet Spring 春光大好春意闹 John Donne(J.多恩)16

5 Death,Be Not Proud 死神,莫骄横 Ben Jonson(B.琼森)(1573—1637)21

6 The Noble Nature 高贵的品性 Thomas Carew(T.卡利)(1594—1640)26

7 The True Beauty 真正的美 John Milton(J.弥尔顿)(1608—1674)29

8 How Soon Hath Time 时光匆匆 John Suckling(J.萨克林)(1609—1642)33

9 Why So Pale and Wan? 为谁憔悴? Anne Bradstreet(A.布雷兹特里特)(1612—1672)38

10 The Author to Her Book 作者写给她自己写的书 Richard Lovelace(R.勒夫莱斯)(1618—1658)43

11 To Lucasta,Going to the Wars 出征—献给露卡斯塔 John Dryden(J.德莱顿)(1631—1700)49

12 Lines on Milton 题弥尔顿画像 Alexander Pope(A.蒲柏)(1688—1744)54

13 Ode on Solitude 幽居颂57

14 A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing 一知半解,危险透顶 William Blake(W.布莱克)(1757—1827)62

15 Songs of Innocence(Introduction) 天真之歌(序诗)67

16 Nurse's Song 保姆之歌72

17 Infant Sorrow 婴儿的苦恼77

18 Auguries of Innocence 天真的预言 Robert Burns(R.彭斯)(1759—1796)81

19 My Heart's in the Highlands 我的心在那高原上85

20 A Red,Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰花90

21 Afton Water 亚顿河水 Samuel Rogers(S.罗杰斯)(1763—1855)95

22 A Wish 一个愿望 William Wordsworth(W.华兹华斯)(1770—1850)100

23 Written in the Album of a Child 题一幼童纪念册105

24 Good and Clever 善良和聪明108

25 My heart Leaps Up 我的心跳动激荡111

26 To Sleep致睡神115

27 I Travelled Among Unknown Men 我曾在海外异乡漫游 Walter Scott(W.司各特)(1771—1832)118

28 The Patriot 爱国者 Samuel Taylor Coleridge(S.t.柯尔律治)(1772—1834)123

29 Work Without Hope 工作而不抱有希望 Robert Southey(R.骚塞)(1774—1843)127

30 My Days Among the Dead Are Passed 我的岁月是在古人中间安度 Walter Savage Landor(W.S.兰多尔)(1775—1864)132

31 On His Seventy-fifth Birthday 七十五岁生日作137

32 Well I Remember 我记得清楚 Leigh Hunt(L.亨特)(1784—1859)140

33 To the Grasshopper and the Cricket 写给“叫哥”和“蛐蛐” Thomas Love Peacock(T.L.皮科克)(1785—1866)143

34 Three Wise Men of Gotham 高特姆村三个聪明人 George Gordon Byron(G.G.拜伦)(1788—1824)148

35 There Is a Pleasure in the Pathless Woods 在无路可通的林中自有一番情趣153

36 I Have Loved Thee,Ocean! 海洋啊!我一直喜爱你! Percy Bysshe Shelley(P.B.雪莱)(1792—1822)157

37 Love's Philosophy 爱的哲学160

38 The Sun Is Warm 阳光正温暖164

39 A Widow Bird 有鸟丧偶168

40 Spirit of Delight 快乐的精灵 Anonymous(佚名)171

41 A Blacksmith's Epitaph 铁匠墓志铭 John Clare(J.克莱尔)(1793—1864)177

42 The Peasant Poet 农民诗人181

43 Bird's Nests 鸟巢 William Cullen Bryant(W.C.布莱恩特)(1794—1878)186

44 To a Waterfowl 写给一只水鸟 John Keats(J.济慈)(1795—1821)189

45 On the Grasshopper and Cricket “叫哥”和“蛐蛐” RalphWaldo Emerson(R.W.爱默生)(1803—1882)196

46 Concord Hymn 康科德赞歌 Mary Howiit(M.霍威特)(1804—1888)201

47 A song of Experience 经验之歌 H.W.Longfellow(H.W.朗费罗)(1807—1882)206

48 The Arrow and the Song 箭和歌209

49 The Golden Sunset 金黄色的夕阳213

50 Children 孩子们!217

51 A Psalm of Life 人生赞歌 Edgar Allan Poe(E.A.坡)(1809—1849)223

52 Sonnet——To Science 十四行诗—致科学 Edward FizGerald(E.菲茨杰拉德)(1809—1883)230

53 Poems from the Rubaiy at of Omar khayy,am 《鲁拜集》选录 Afred Tennyson(A.丁尼生)(1809—1892)235

54 The Eagle 鹰241

55 Sweet and Low 甜甜地,轻轻地245

56 The Brook 小溪 Robert Browning(R.勃朗宁)(1812—1898)250

57 Pippa's Song 比芭之歌255

58 Home-Thoughts,from Abroad 海外乡思 Emily Bront?(E.布朗蒂)(1818—1848)258

59 The Old Stoic 淡泊自如的老派人物 Arthur Hugh Clough(A.H.克勒夫)(1819—1861)263

60 A Voyage 海上行 James Russell Lowell(J.R.洛威尔)(1819—1891)267

61 The Fountain 喷泉 Walt Whitman(W.惠特曼)(1819—1892)272

62 O Captain!My Captain! 哦,船长!我的船长! Matthew Arnold(M.阿诺德)279

63 The Forsaken Merman 被遗弃的人鱼(节录) Coventry Patmore(C.帕特摩)(1823—1896)284

64 The Toys 玩具 Richard Henry Stoddard(R.H.斯托达德)(1825—1903)290

65 The Flight of Youth 青春飞逝 Emily Dickinson(E.狄金森)(1830—1886)295

66 If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking 如果我能使一个人不心酸难熬300

67 I'm Nobody 我是小人物 Christina G、Rossetti(C.G.罗塞蒂)(1830—1894)303

68 Boats Sail on the Rivers 小船河中走306

69 Who Has Seen the Wind? 谁曾见过风?310

70 Is the Moon Tired? 月亮累了吗?313

71 When I Am Dead,My Dearest 我死了以后,我最亲爱的人啊 James Thomson(B.V.)(J.汤姆逊—B.V.)(1834—1882)317

72 As We Rush 我们飞奔向前 Thomas Hardy(T.哈代)(1840—1928)322

73 I Look into My Glass 对镜326

74 Snow in the Suburbs 郊区雪景 Gerard Manley Hopkins(G.M.霍普金斯)(1844—1889)331

75 I Have Desired to Go 我早就向往 Robert Louis Stevenson(R.L.史蒂文森)(1850—1894)336

76 The Wind 风340

77 Where Go the Boats? 小船飘向何方?344

78 Requiem 自挽诗 Francis William Bourdillon(F.W.鲍迪伦)(1852—1921)348

79 The Night Has a Thousand Eyes 夜空有眼千千万 Oscar Wilde(O.王尔德)(1854—1900)351

80 Symphony in Yellow 黄色交响乐 Afred Edward Housman(A.E.豪斯曼)(1859—1936)354

81 Loveliest of Trees 最可爱的树 Hamlin Garbland(H.加兰)(1860—1940)359

82 Do You Fear the Wind? 你怕风吗? William Butler Yeats(W.B.叶芝)(1865—1936)364

83 The Lake Isle of Innisfree 湖岛茵尼斯弗利 Edwin Arlington Robinson(E.A.罗宾逊)(1869—1935)368

84 Richard Cory 理查.科瑞 William Henry Davies(W.H.戴维斯)(1871—1940)373

85 The Example 楷模378

86 Leisure 闲暇 Walter de la Mare(W.德拉梅尔)(1873—1956)382

87 Some One Came Knocking 有人来敲门 Robert Frost(R.弗罗斯特)(1874—1963)388

88 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 雪夜林边小停 John Masfield(J.梅斯菲尔德)(1878—1967)392

89 Sea-Fever 航海热 Carl Sandburg(C.桑德堡)(1878—1967)397

90 Grass 草 Eleanor Farjeon(E.法杰恩)(1881—1965)402

91 The Night Will Never Stay 良夜总是留不住 Joe Hill(J.希尔)(1882—1915)407

92 My Last Will 我的遗嘱 James Elroy Flecker(J.E.费莱克)(1884—1915)411

93 To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence 致千年后一诗人 Sara Teastale(S.替斯代尔)(1884—1933)416

94 Like Barley Bending 像那弯折了的大麦苗 Alfred Kilmer(A.基尔默)(1886—1918)422

95 Trees树 Thomas Stearns Eliot(T.S.艾略特)(1888—1965)425

96 Morning at the Window 窗外晨景 Edna St、Vincent Millay(E.米勒)(1892—1950)430

97 The Courage That My Mother Had 我妈妈生前有勇气 Archibald MacLeish(A.麦克利什)(1892—1982)434

98 Ars Poetica 论诗艺 Langston Hughes(L.休斯)(1902—1967)439

99 Dreams 梦 Wystan Hugh Auden(W.H.奥登)(1907—1973)446

100 Song 歌449

