
- (瑞典)雅各布森绘;侯黎风文;田寨耕译 著
- 出版社: 成都:天地出版社
- ISBN:7806244395
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:197页
- 文件大小:21MB
- 文件页数:206页
- 主题词:其他
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起风不能倒垃圾(Efforts in Vain)2
新花样(A New Trick)4
顶风积帽(Gains in the Wind)5
哪儿才有知音(Where Is My Bosom Friend?)6
有话好好说(A Disobedient Horse)9
吓死我了(Scared out of Wits)10
动物打火机(An Animal Lighter)12
安全问题(Measures of Safety)13
捕熊高手(A Clever Method for Bear Catching)14
再抽两口(“Just Let Me Have Two More Puffs!”)15
向往清静(Keep Quiet)16
戒酒(To Give up Drinking)18
我像它?(Who Looks like Whom?)19
忠实的小狗(A Faithful Dog)20
将就吧(Pin in Place of Button)21
讨厌的乌鸦(A Disgusting Crow)22
报仇受挫(A Frustrated Revenge)23
再败沮丧(Failed Again)24
不识好人心(What a Kind Deed Has Brought)25
换个地方咬也好呀(Didn t Bite the Right Place)26
我又不是鱼饵(“I m Not the Bait!”)27
治鸡高招(An Effective Way)29
砸死你(A Troublesome Cat)30
纠缠(A Wooing Dog)31
套牢(Who s Trapped)32
越忙越乱(Late for an Appointment)33
伪劣产品(A Car Too Old to Use)34
这车不经砸(A Good Intention Resulting in the Opposite)35
意外胜利(Unexpected Victory)38
意外胜利(“It Serves You Right!”)39
巧计退疯狗(A Magic Mirror)40
老鸡(A Hard Chicken)41
斗猪士(A Pig Driver)42
搞不懂(Making Basins)43
好心办坏事(Whose Fault?)44
我要烟,我要酒(I Want Cigar and Wine)45
物尽其用(Making Full Use of the Table)46
弄巧成拙(Clever or Foolish?)47
倒霉的帽子(The Unlucky Hat)49
新式武器(A New Weapon)51
狡猾的兔子(A Clever Hare)52
遭遇强盗(Suffering from Theft)53
幸灾乐祸(Don t Gloat over Others Misfortune)54
天上掉馅饼(Good Luck from the Sky)55
判断错误(A Mistake in Judgement)56
拔牙新法(A New Way of Extraction)57
帮倒忙(More of a Hindrance than a Help)58
好手艺(Good Work)59
粗心的爱(A Careless Wooer)60
雕虫小技(Trappers Trapped)61
死刑(An Unsuccessful Execution)62
误会了(I Didn t Mean It)63
受折磨的帽子(The Miserable Hat)64
猫的报复(The Cat s Revenge)66
晒昏了(Too Hot to Bear)69
熨裤子(A New Way of Ironing Pants)70
错爱(An Unacceptable Kiss)72
惊吓(A Frog from the Pot)73
避免遭狗咬(To Avoid the Watchdog)74
它嫌钱少了(“You re Offering a Low Price!”)75
众友(Too Many Friends)77
保护隐私权(To Keep Private Secrets)78
破网(The Net Is Not Strong Enough)80
技术欠佳(Not Skillful Enough)81
你得养成好习惯(Have a Good Eating Habit!)82
你应该对它讲道理(You Should Reason with Him)83
不长眼水的狗(A Near-Sighted Dog)84
吃我一记铁砂掌(To Drive Away a Fly)85
以胖制胖(Dealing with Fat with Fat)86
大欺小,没门(You Deserve It!)87
都是月亮惹的祸(A Persistent Wooer)88
是网球还是高尔夫球?(Tennis or Golf?)89
声东击西(Cleverer than a Dog)90
无计可施(No Other Choice)91
倾盆大雨(Another Downpour)92
幸好离水近(Lucky Enough to Be near the Water)94
意外之财(Made an Unexpected Fortune)95
戒烟的遗憾(The Successor)96
自讨若吃(Suffering from Self-Made Trouble)97
自觉(A Considerate Smoker)98
自作自受(The Consequence Neglected)99
又闯祸了(After Making Trouble)100
恰好相反(Caught the Wrong Thing)102
等鸡回来(Waiting for the Cock to Return)103
巧办法(Help from the Cat)104
流行发式(A Fashionable Hairstyle)105
改变念头(Changing Mind)106
迁就(As the Result of Crying)108
惊吓(A Frightening customer)109
吃不成(Too Hot to Eat)110
占小便宜的下场(The End of Those Out for Small Advantages)112
救人反遭打(What the Saver Gets in Return)113
多管闲事(Mind Your Own Business!)114
受不了的爱(Unacceptable Love)116
被迫(Forced to Jump Down)117
今天便宜了你!(I ll Let You Off Lightly Today!)118
本性难移(You Can t Frustrate Me)119
惹祸(It s All Because of You!)120
又是伪劣产品(A Gun of Poor Quality)121
淋浴就是好(The Shower Is More Convenient)122
还不如就在外面淋(I Might As Well Be in the Rain!)123
破记录(Breaking the World Record)124
有钱能使鬼推磨(Money Makes the Mare Go)125
痛打爱神(Beating up Cupid)126
物归原主(Returned to the Owner)127
钓酒(Got Wine Instead of Fish)128
最后一招(The Last Stroke)129
创作(The Creation of a Masterpiece)130
遭鸟害(Suffering from a Bird)131
脾气大的罐头(A Hot —Tempered Can)132
腿太长了(Too Long a Leg)134
智退恶狗(Diamond Cuts Diamond)135
我还是害怕(Afraid of Extraction)136
没中要害(Failed to Hit the Vital Point)137
虚惊(A False Alarm)138
酒更重要(The Wine Is More Important)139
新项目(A New Item)140
压迫与反抗(Oppression and Resistance)141
向太阳借火(Making Fire through Sunlight)142
损失惨重(A Heavy Loss)143
死光光(All Killed)145
鼠多食少(Too Many Squirrels to Feed)146
爱花(A Love for Flowers)147
自讨苦吃(Asking for Trouble for Himself)148
全都给你(This Is All Have)149
如此借火(Asking for a Light)150
春梦被扰(A Fond Dream Spoiled)151
扫兴(More Haste, Less Speed)152
这下好了(It s OK Now!)154
过河(To Cross the River)156
上当(The Bait Is Wasted)158
我太轻了(I m Not Heavy Enough!)159
智骗禁酒员(A Clever Method to Hide Wine)160
滑得很(As Slippery As an Eel)162
向往强壮(Longing to Become Strong)164
防盗新招(A New Measure against Theft)165
何必认真(No Need to Be So Persistent)166
挑剔的乞丐(A Choosy Beggar)167
最后一杯(The Last Cup)168
又没瞄准(Missed the Target)169
拴错了牙(A Wrong Tooth Is Tied)170
不用电的风扇(An Animal Fan)171
错位(An Exchange of Positions)172
委屈(Being Wronged)173
缺德的礼物(A Wicked Gift)174
即将成为体育名星(Longing to Become a Sports Star)175
马不配合(An Uncooperative Horse)176
抽完这支再戒(The Last Cigar)177
白帮忙(Helped in Vain)178
宁死不屈(A Persistent Cock)179
下三路制胜(Attacks from Below)180
太长子(Too Long)181
文明点!(Be a Civil Dog!)183
今晚只有一个烟屁股(Only an End Left for Tonight)185
涂错了(The Wrong Thing Is Painted)186
傻大个(A Foolish Strong Man)187
怀念猫(Missing the Cats)188
戒烟斗争(Inner Conflicts)189
越修越坏(Worse and Worse)190
可惜了啊可惜了(What a Waste of the Wine!)194
放猫引狗(A Helpful Cat)196
射债(To Avoid the Creditor)197
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