

  • 刘爱萍,侯天爵主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国农业科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7801677307
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:284页
  • 文件大小:57MB
  • 文件页数:320页
  • 主题词:草地-病虫害防治方法


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第一章 草地豆科植物病虫害1

1.1 草地豆科植物病害 Diseases of Legumes on Grassland1

1.1.1 草地豆科植物锈病 Rusts of Legumes on Grassland1

1.1.2 草地豆科植物白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Legumea13

1.1.3 草地豆科植物霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Legunes21

1.1.4 草地豆科植物的镰孢根腐病 Fusarium Root Rot of Legumes24

1.1.5 豆科牧草丝核菌根腐病(基腐、立枯) Rhizoctonia Root Rot of Legumes28

1.1.6 丝囊霉根腐病 Aphanomyces Root Rot of Legumes29

1.1.7 腐霉根腐或猝倒病 Pythium Root Rot or Damping-off of Legumes29

1.1.8 豆科牧草炭疽病 Anthracnose of Legumes32

1.1.9 豆科牧草菌核病(菌核软腐病) Sclerotinia Crown and Stem Rot of Legumes34

1.1.10 豆科牧草白绢病 Sclerotium or Southern Blight of Legumes35

1.1.11 豆科牧草黄萎病 Verticillium Wilt of Legumes36

1.1.12 苜蓿炭腐病 Charcoal Rot of Alfalfa37

1.1.13 苜蓿及三叶草褐斑病 Common Leaf Spot of Alfalfa and Clover38

1.1.14 豆科牧草黑斑病 Black Leaf Spot of Legumes40

1.1.15 苜蓿黄斑病 Yellow Leaf Blotch of Alfalfa41

1.1.16 豆科牧草小光壳叶斑病 Leptosphaerulina Leaf Spot of Legumes42

1.1.17 苜蓿春季黑茎与叶斑病 Spring Black Stem and Leaf Spot of Alfalfa43

1.1.18 豆科植物壳二孢叶斑病 Ascochyta Leaf Spot of Legumes44

1.1.19 豆科牧草匐柄霉叶斑病 Stemphylium Leaf Spot of Legumes46

1.1.20 豆科牧草尾孢叶斑病 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Legumes47

1.1.21 豆科植物壳多孢叶斑与根腐病 Stagonospora Leaf Spot and Root Rot49

1.1.22 豆科牧草壳针孢叶斑病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Legumes50

1.1.23 豆科植物叶肿病 Leaf Swollen of Legumes51

1.1.24 红豆草灰霉病 Grey Mold of Sainfoin52

1.1.25 三叶草黄斑病 Curvularia Leaf Spot of Clover53

1.1.26 三叶草黑斑病 Black Blotch(Sooty Blotch)of Clover54

1.1.27 沙打旺红茎病 Red Stem of Shadawang55

1.1.28 豆科牧草细菌性茎疫病 Bacterial Stem Blight of Legumes55

1.1.29 苜蓿细菌性叶斑病 Bacterial Leaf Spot of Alfalfa56

1.1.30 豆科牧草花叶病 Mosaic of Legumes57

1.1.31 苜蓿丛枝病 Witches'Broom of Alfalfa58

1.1.32 苜蓿菟丝子 Dodder of Alfalfa59

1.2 豆科植物害虫60

1.2.1 苜蓿蚜 Aphis medicaginis Koch62

1.2.2 甘草黑蚜 Aphis atrata Zhang63

1.2.3 大豆蚜 Aphis glycines Matsumura64

1.2.4 黄曲条跳甲 Phyllotreta vittata(Fabricius)66

1.2.5 黄狭条跳甲 Phyllotreta vittula Redtenbacher68

1.2.6 甘草萤叶甲 Diorhabda tarsalis Weise68

1.2.7 草原叶甲 Geina invenusta Jacobson69

1.2.8 花背短柱叶甲 Pachybrachys scriptidorsum Marseul70

1.2.9 芫菁类71

1.2.10 苜蓿夜蛾 Heliothis viriplaca Hufnagel73

1.2.11 盲蝽类74

1.2.12 蓟马类76

1.2.13 苜蓿籽蜂 Bruchophagus gibbus Boheman78

1.2.14 籽象甲类80

1.2.15 条纹根瘤象甲 Sitona liheatus Linnaeus81

1.2.16 锦鸡儿织蛾 Cheimophila sp82

1.2.17 柠条豆象 Kytorhinus immixtus Motschulsky84

1.2.18 豆荚螟 Etiella zinckenella85

1.2.20 沙打旺小食心虫 Crapholita shadawaha Liu Etchen86

1.2.19 沙打旺黑潜叶蝇 Melanagromyza adsurgenis86

1.2.21 沙打旺籽蜂 Brushopa gusgibbus Boheman87

1.2.22 沙打旺金小蜂 Bruchophaga sp87

1.2.23 苦豆夜蛾 Apopestes spectrum Esper87

1.2.24 大青叶蝉 Cicadella viridis Linnaeus88

1.2.25 柠条坚英斑螟 Asclerobia sinensis(Carabja)89

1.2.26 豆天蛾 Clanis bilineata Walker90

1.2.27 仿爱夜蛾 Apopestes spectrum Esper91

1.2.28 敦煌叶螨 Tetranychus dunhuangensi Wang92

1.2.29 甘草豆象 Bruchidius ptilinoides Faharaeus93

1.2.30 豌豆潜叶蝇 Phytomyza utricornis Meigen93

2.1.1 禾草锈病类 Rusts of Grasses96

第二章 草地禾本科植物病虫害96

2.1 禾本科植物病害 Diseases of Grasses96

2.1.2 禾草黑粉病 Smuts of Grasses107

2.1.3 禾草白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Grasses120

2.1.4 禾草麦角病 Ergot121

2.1.5 禾草黑痣病 Tar Spot of Grasses123

2.1.6 禾草香柱病 Choke of Grasses124

2.1.7 全蚀病 Take-all Patch125

2.1.8 禾草赤霉病 Scab of Grasses126

2.1.9 禾草纹枯病(丝核菌褐斑病) Rhizoctonia Diseases(Brown Patch)of Grasses128

2.1.10 禾草霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Grasses130

2.1.11 禾草离孢根腐与叶斑病 Bipolaris Root Rot and Leaf Spot of Grasses131

2.1.12 德斯霉叶斑、叶枯及根腐病 Drechslera Leaf Spot,Leaf Blight and Root Rot of Grasses133

2.1.13 禾草镰孢根腐病 Fusarium Root Rot of Grasses137

2.1.14 禾草炭疽病 Anthracnose of Grasses139

2.1.15 禾草云纹病 Scald(Leaf Blotch)of Grasses140

2.1.16 梨孢叶斑病(瘟病) Gray Leaf Spot(Blast)141

2.1.17 叶点霉叶斑病 Phyllosticta Leaf Spot142

2.1.18 壳二孢叶斑病 Ascochyta Leaf Spot143

2.1.19 壳针孢叶斑病 Septoria Leaf Spot143

2.1.20 禾草晕斑病(或角斑病) Halo Spot(Angular Leaf Spot)of Grasses145

2.1.21 壳多孢叶斑与颈枯病 Staganospora Leaf Spots and Neckspot146

2.1.22 禾草褐条斑病 Brown Stripe of Grasses147

2.1.23 鞭毛孢叶斑病 Mastigosporium Leaf Spot148

2.1.24 苏丹草大斑病 Leaf Blotch of Sudangrass148

2.1.25 禾草卷曲病 Twist of Grasses149

2.1.27 赖草褐斑病 Brown Spot of Leymus150

2.1.26 禾草弯孢叶斑病 Curvularia Leaf Spot of Grasses150

2.1.28 禾草细菌性叶斑病 Bacterial Leaf Spot(Black chaff)of Grasses151

2.1.29 禾草粒线虫病 Grass-seed Nematode152

2.1.30 禾草病毒病 Viral Diseases of Grasses153

2.1.31 无芒雀麦穗肿病 Swollen Ear Disease of Brome155

2.2 草地禾本科植物虫害156

2.2.1 秆蝇类157

2.2.2 麦穗夜蛾 Apamea sordens(Hufnagel)159

2.2.3 草地粘虫 Mythimna separta(Walker)160

2.2.4 柳苗跳甲 Altica weisei Jacobson162

2.2.5 玉米螟 Ostrinia nubilalis(Hubner)163

2.2.6 针茅狭跗线螨 Steneotarson emus stipa Lin and Liu,sp.nov165

3.1.1 蒿属植物锈病 Rust of Mugwort167

第三章 草地菊科植物病虫害167

3.1 草地菊科植物病害 Diseases of Compositae(=Asteraceae)167

3.1.2 蒿属植物白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Mugwort169

3.1.3 蒿属植物霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Mugwort170

3.1.4 蒿属植物尾孢叶斑病 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Mugwort170

3.1.5 野艾蒿斑枯病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Mugwort171

3.1.6 紫菀属的锈病 Rust of Aster171

3.1.7 蓟属白锈病 White Blister of Thistles(Cirsium)171

3.1.8 蓟属植物锈病 Rust of Thistles(Cirsium)171

3.1.11 蓟斑枯病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Thistles174

3.1.13 苦荬菜和莴苣霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Ixeris and Lettuce174

3.1.12 旋复花(Inula)斑枯病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Inula174

3.1.10 蓟属叶点病 Phyllosticta Leaf Spot of Thistles174

3.1.9 蓟灰斑病 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Thistles174

3.1.14 苦荬菜和莴苣属的白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Ixeris and Lettuce175

3.1.15 苦荬菜属和莴苣属锈病 Rust of Ixeris and Lettuce175

3.1.16 苦荬菜属和莴苣属菌核病 Sclerotinia Disease of Ixeris and Lettuce176

3.1.17 苦荬菜属和莴苣菜属的尾孢叶斑病 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Ixeris and Lettuce177

3.1.18 苦荬菜属和莴苣属的斑枯病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Ixeris and Lettuce178

3.1.19 麻花头属的真菌病害 Fungi Diseases of Saw-wort(Sarratula)178

3.1.20 苦苣菜霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Sow-thistles(Sonchus)178

3.1.21 苦苣菜白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Sow-thistles178

3.1.22 苦苣菜锈病 Rust of Sow-thistles178

3.1.25 苦苣菜的其他病原真菌 Other Fungi of Sow-thistles179

3.1.26 蒲公英锈病 Rust of Dandelions(Taraxacum)179

3.1.23 苦苣菜白霉病 White Mildew of Sow-thistles179

3.1.24 苦苣菜斑枯病 Septoris Leaf Spot of Sow-thistles179

3.1.27 蒲公英叶瘤病 Leaf Swelling of Dandelions181

3.1.28 蒲公英属植物的其他病害 Other Diseases of Dandelions181

3.2 草地菊科植物害虫182

3.2.1 沙蒿金叶甲 Chrysolina aerugirosa(Falder.)183

3.2.2 菊旌蚧 Orthezia urticae(Linnaeus)184

3.2.3 沙蒿大粒象 Adosopius sp185

3.2.4 沙蒿线角蠹蛾 Holcocerus artemisiae Chou et Hua186

3.2.5 沙蒿蛀茎蛾188

3.2.6 沙蒿圆吉丁虫 Sphenoptera sp188

3.2.7 波氏东鳖甲 Anatolica potanini Reitter189

3.2.8 尖腹东鳖甲 Anatolica mucronata Reitter190

3.2.10 阿小鳖甲 Microdera kraatzi alashanica Skopin191

3.2.9 纳氏东鳖甲 Anatolica nuteri Schuster et Reymond191

3.2.11 毛足宽漠甲 Sternoplax setosa setosa(F.Bates)192

3.2.12 突角漠甲 Trigonocnera pseudopimelia pseudopimelia(Reitter)192

3.2.13 卵圆琵甲 Blaps kiritshenkei Semenow et Bogatshev193

3.2.14 长爪方土甲 Myladina unguiculina Reitter193

3.2.15 波氏真土甲 Eumylada potanini Reitte194

3.2.16 棕色背毛甲 Epitrichia fucus Ren et Zheng194

第四章 草地藜科植物病害196

4.1 草地藜科植物病害 Diseases of Chenopodiaceae196

4.1.1 滨藜霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Oraches(Atriplex)196

4.1.2 滨藜白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Oraches196

4.1.3 滨藜尾孢叶斑病(灰斑病) Cercospora Leaf Spot of Oraches196

4.1.4 驼绒藜锈病 Rust of Ceratoides(Eurotiae)196

4.1.6 藜霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Goosefoot(All-seed,Fat han,Good king Henry)197

4.1.5 驼绒藜白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Ceratoides197

4.1.7 藜褐斑病 Cercospora Leaf Spot of Goosefoot198

4.1.8 藜属植物的其他病害 Other Diseases of Goosefoot198

4.1.9 梭梭锈病 Rust of Saxoul(Haloxylon)198

4.1.10 梭梭白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Saxoul(Haloxylon)199

4.1.11 梭梭枝枯病 Branch-rot of Saxoul199

4.1.12 地肤霜霉病 Downy Mildew of Kochia200

4.1.13 地肤白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Kochia200

4.1.14 猪毛菜白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Salsola200

4.1.15 猪毛菜锈病 Rust of Salsola200

4.1.16 硷蓬锈病 Rust of Suaeda(Seablite)200

4.1.17 硷蓬的其他病害 Other Diseases of Suaeda(Seablite)201

5.1.2 木蓼锈病 Rust of Atraphaxis202

5.1.3 沙拐枣白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Calligonum202

5.1 蓼科植物病害 Diseases of Polygonaceae202

5.1.1 木蓼白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Atraphaxis202

第五章 草地蓼科植物病害202

5.1.4 蓼锈病 Rust of Persicaria(Polygonum)203

5.1.5 蓼白粉病 Powdery Mildew of Persicaria205

5.1.6 蓼黑粉病 Smut of Persicaria205

第六章 莎草科植物病害207

6.1 莎草科植物病害 Diseases of Cyperaceae207

6.1.1 苔草及蒿草锈病 Rust of Sedges and Kobresia207

6.1.2 苔草和蒿草黑穗病或黑粉病 Smut of Sedges and Kobresia210

6.1.3 苔草黑点病 Black Spot of Sedges211

6.1.4 苔草斑枯病 Septoria Leaf Spot of Sedges212

7.1.1 葱属Allium植物病害213

第七章 其他科植物病虫害213

7.1 其他科植物病害213

7.1.2 草地蔷薇科植物病害 Diseases of Rosaceae215

7.1.3 苋科植物病害 Diseases of Amaranthaceae218

7.1.4 鸢尾科鸢尾属Iris植物病害220

7.2 其他科植物虫害221

7.2.1 草地蝗虫及其防治222

7.2.2 地下害虫及其防治231

7.2.3 草原毛虫 Gynaephora alpherakii Grum-Grzhimailo240

7.2.4 草地螟 Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus242

7.2.5 白茨毛虫 Leiometopon simyrides Staudinger244

7.2.6 白茨粗角萤叶甲 Diorhabda rybakowi Weise245

7.2.7 光背漠甲 Stemoplax sp246

7.2.8 皱纹琵琶甲 Blaps rugolosa Gebler247

7.2.9 漠刺甲 Platynosceles sp248

7.2.10 刺槐种子小蜂 Bruchophogus philorobinae Sphov248

7.2.11 大灰象 Sympiezomias velatus Chevr249

7.2.12 褐足角胸叶甲 Basilepta fulvipes(Motschulsky)250

7.2.13 徐长卿夜蛾 Dichromia sagitta Fabricius(=D.orosia Cramer)251

7.2.14 萝摩叶甲 Chrysochus asclepiadeus(Pallas)252

7.2.15 柳叶甲 Plagiodera versicolora Laichart253

7.2.16 红柳棒角萤叶甲 Diorhabda elongata desertieoea Chen254

7.2.17 柽柳木虱256

7.2.18 柽柳卷叶蛾 Leaf tier257


