
TA TSING LEU LEE BEING THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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  • 出版时间:2012
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FIRST DIVISION — General Laws.1


Ⅰ.DESCRIPTION of the ordinary Punifhments1

Ⅱ.Offences of a treafonable Nature3

Ⅲ.The Privileged Claffes5

Ⅳ.Offences of Perfons entitled to Privilege7

Ⅴ.Relations of Perfons entitled to Privilege ibid.7

Ⅵ.Offences committed by Officers of Government, how invefti-gated9

Ⅶ.Offences committed by Officers of Government in their public Capacity10

Ⅷ.Offences committed by Officers of Government of a private and perfonal Nature11

Ⅸ.Offenders who are not liable to Banifhment12

Ⅹ.Offenders of the Military Clafs13

Ⅺ.Mitigation of Punifhment ibid.Ⅻ.Officers of Government, when removed without being dif-graced14

ⅩⅢ.Offences committed by Officers of Government previous to their Elevation15

ⅩⅣ.Degraded Officers of Government liable to the fame Obliga tions as private Individuals16

ⅩⅤ.Relations of Exiles17

ⅩⅥ.Extent of an Aεt of Grace or General Pardon18

ⅩⅦ.Effeεt of an Aεt of Grace on the Condition of Offenders in Exile19

ⅩⅧ.Indulgence to Offendersfor the Sake of their Parents20

ⅩⅨ.Offences of Aftronomers21

ⅩⅩ.Offences of Artificers, Muficians, and Women22

ⅩⅪ.Offences of Perfons already under Sentence of Punifhment23

ⅩⅫ.Indulgence to Offenders in confideration of their Age, Youth,or Infirmities23

ⅩⅩⅢ.Plea of Age and Infirmities how to be conftrued25

ⅩⅩⅣ Reftitution and Forfeiture of Goods ibid.25

ⅩⅩⅤ.Offenders furrendering voluntarily27

ⅩⅩⅥ.Offenders charged with feveral Offences29

ⅩⅩⅦ.Proceedings in Cafes where all the Parties to an Offence have efcaped ibid.29

ⅩⅩⅧ.Offences of Members of public Departments and Tribunals,committed in their official Capacity30

ⅩⅩⅨ.Errors and Failures in public Proceedings31

ⅩⅩⅩ.Diftinεtion between Principals and Acceffaries32

ⅩⅩⅪ.Proceedings relative to Offenders who have abfconded34

ⅩⅩⅫ.Relations mutually affifting and concealing each other ibid.34

ⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Punifhment of Deferters35

ⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Offences committed by Foreigners36

ⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Proceedings in Cafes where the Laws appear contradiεtory37

ⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Rules relative to the Increafe and Diminution of Punifhments38

ⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Extent of the Privilege and Diftinεtion of Imperial Rank39

ⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Relations in the firft Degree ibid.39

ⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Participators in Offences40

ⅩL.Refponfible Superintendants41

ⅩLⅠ.Divifion of Time ibid.41

ⅩLⅡ.Laws relative to the Priefthood42

ⅩLⅢ.Execution of new Laws43

ⅩLⅣ.Determination of Cafes not provided for by any exifting Law ibid.43

ⅩLⅤ.Place of temporary and perpetual Banifhment44

ⅩLⅥ.Place of extraordinary or military Banifhment45



ⅩLⅡ.Hereditary Succeffion49

ⅩLⅧ.Great Officers of State not authorized to confer Appointments51

ⅩLⅨ.Officers of Government not allowed to folicit hereditary Honours52

L.Supernumerary Officers of Government ibid.LⅠ.Tranfmiffion of official Difpatches54

LⅡ.Partiality in the Examination of Candidates for Degrees55

LⅢ.Relative to Officers of Government difmiffed for Mifconduεt56

LⅣ.Officers of Government quitting their Stations without leave57

LⅤ.Officers of Government to proceed to their Deftinations with out Delay58

LⅥ.Attendance of Officers of Government at Court59

LⅦ.Irregular Interference of Superiors with fubordinate Magiftrates ibid.LⅧ.Cabals and State Intrigues60

LⅨ.Combination and Collufion between provincial Officersand Officers of the Court62

LⅩ.Addreffes in favour of Great Officers of State ibid.62


LⅪ.Due Knowledge of the Laws64

LⅫ.Non-Execution of an Imperial Ediεt65

LⅢ.Deftroying or difcarding Ediεts and Seals of Office ibid.LⅣ.Errors and Informalities in public Documents67

LⅩⅤ.Negleεting to make fuch Reports to fuperior Officers as are by Law required68

LⅩⅥ.Officers on detached Service not reporting their Proceedings70

LⅩⅦ.Delay in expediting the Ediεts of Government71

LⅩⅧ.Examination of official Records72

LⅩⅨ.Re-examination of outftanding Articles of official Records73

LⅩⅩ.Transfer or Exchange of official Duties prohibited74

LⅩⅪ.Alteration of the Contents of an official Difpatch ibid.LⅩⅫ.Ufe of the official or public Seal76

LⅩⅩⅢ.Omitting to ufe, of imperfeεtly ufing, an official Seal ibid.76

LⅩⅩⅣ.Employing the Sanεtion of Seals of military Offices upon civil Affairs77

THIRD DIVISION, Fifcal Laws.79


LⅩⅩⅤ.Families and Individuals to be duly enrolled79

LⅩⅩⅥ.Families and Individuals to be regiftered according to their Profeffions82

LⅩⅩⅦ.Privately founding religious Houfes, and privately enter-ing into the Order of Priefthood83

LⅩⅩⅧ.Rule of Succeftion and Inheritance84

LⅩⅩⅨ.Regulations concerning ftray Children85

LⅩⅩⅩ.Impartiality in the Levy of Taxes and perfonal Services86

LⅩⅩⅪ.Impartiality in the Allotment ofperfonal Services87

LⅩⅩⅫ.Evafion ofperfonal Service88

LⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Supernumerary Perfons exercifing diftriεt Authority, pro-hibited ibid.88

LⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Evafion of perfonal Service by Concealment or Defertion89

LⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Seleεtion of the Guards and Attendants of Prifons90

LⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Perfonal Services ofLabourers and Artificers, required be yond the legal Extent, or for private Purpofes91

LⅩⅩⅩⅦ. Individuals deferting, or prematurely feparating from their Families92

LⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Younger and inferior Branches of a Family difpofing of the Property without Leave92

LⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Care of the Aged and Infirm93


ⅩC.Fraudulent Evafion of the Land-Tax94

ⅩCⅠ.Perfonal Vifitation of Lands fuffering from any Calamity96

ⅩCⅡ.Lands of the Nobility and Officers of Government98

ⅩCⅢ.Fraudulent Sale of Lands and Tenements99

ⅩCⅣ.Officers of Government reftriεted from purchafing Lands within the Limits of their Jurifdiεtion100

ⅩCⅤ.Law of Mortgages101

ⅩCⅥ.Sowing and tilling Lands belonging to others102

ⅩCⅦ.Uncultivated and negleεted Lands103

ⅩCⅧ.Deftroying or damaging the Harvefts, and Articles conneεted therewith104

ⅩCⅨ.Taking away, without Leave, the Fruit growing in Gar dens or Orchards105

C.Mifapplication of the Boats or Carriages of Government106

BOOK Ⅲ.MARRIAGE.CⅠ.Marriages how regulated107

CⅡ.Lending Wives or Daughters on Hire110

CⅢ.Regard to Rank and Priority among Wives ibid.CⅣ.Ejeεting from Home a Son-in-Law111

CⅤ.Marriage during the legal Period of Mourning112

CⅥ.Marriage during the Imprifonment of Parents114

CⅦ.Marriages between Perfons having the fame Family Name ibid.114

CⅧ.Marriages between Perfons related by Marriage115

CⅨ.Marriages with Relations by Blood, or with the Widows of fuch Relations ibid.115

CⅩ.Marriages of Officers of Government into Families fubjeεt to their Jurifdiεtion116

CⅪ.Marriage with abfconded Females117

CⅫ.Forcible Marriage of a free Man's Wife or Daughter ibid.117

CⅩⅢ.Marriage with Female Muficians and Comedians118

CⅩⅣ.Marriage of Priefts of Foe or Tao-ffe ibid.118

CⅩⅤ.Marriage between free Perfons and Slaves119

CⅩⅥ.Law of Divorce120

CⅩⅦ.Giving in Marriage unlawfully122


CⅩⅧ.Regulations concerning Coinage124

CⅩⅨ.Periods eftablifhed for colleεting the Revenues in Kind125

CⅩⅩ.Fairnefs and impartiality in colleεting the Revenues in Kind126

CⅩⅪ.Concealing or wafting the Proportion of excifeableArti cles fet apart for the Ufe of Government127

CⅩⅫ.Vicarious Contributors to the Revenue128

CⅩⅩⅢ.Premature Difcharges or Quittances for Taxes due to Government129

CⅩⅩⅣ.Suppreffion and Mifapplication of contingent Excefs of Revenue131

CⅩⅩⅤ.Privately lending or employing the public Revenue132

CⅩⅩⅥ.Privately lending or employing public Property133

CⅩⅩⅦ.Receipt, Transfer, and Expenditure of the Revenue ibid.113

CⅩⅩⅧ.Mifconduεt of fupernumerary Revenue Officers135

CⅩⅩⅨ.Fraudulent Appropriation of public Property ibid.135

CⅩⅩⅩ.Revenue Officers reciprocally anfwerable for each other136

CⅩⅩⅪ.Refponfibility of Revenue Officers in Cafes of Theft.137

CⅩⅩⅫ.Refponfibility of Receivers and Diftributors of public Pro-perty138

CⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Eftablifhed Regulations obferved in the Receipt and Iffue of public Stores139

CⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Vexatious Proceedings on the Occafion of the Receipt and Iffue of public Stores140

CⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Purity of the precious Metals payable to Government ibid.140

CⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Refponfibility for the Damage or Lofs of public Stores141

CⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Regular Tranfmiffion of public Stores from the inferior to to fuperior Jurifdiεtions142

CⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Rule of Forfeiture and Reftitution144

CⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Intermediate Charge of public Property145

CⅩL.Concealment or Denial either of Property under Sentence of Forfeiture, or of Families under Sentence of Servitude ibid.145


CⅩLⅠ.Duty on Salt148

CⅩLⅡ.Superintendants of Salt-Duties to receive no intermediate Profits153

CⅩLⅢ.Prefervation of Salt-Laws from Negleεt ibid.153

CⅩLⅣ.Smuggling of Tea154

CⅩLⅤ.Smuggling of Allum155

CⅩLⅥ.Evafion of Duties, or Smuggling in general ibid.155

CⅩLⅦ.Merchant Veffels having falfe Manifefts of their Cargoes156

CⅩLⅧ.Arrears of Duties and Cuftoms to be paid within the Year in which they are due ibid.156



CL.Dilapidation of Property in Truft161

CLⅠ.Loft and forgotten Property ibid.163


CLⅡ.Licence of commercial Agents163

CLⅢ.Valuation of Merchandize164

CLⅣ.Monopolizers and unfair Traders164

CLⅤ.Falfe Weights, Meafures, and Scales165

CLⅥ.Manufaεtures not equal or conformable to Standard167

FOURTH DIVISION,—Ritual Laws.169


CLⅦ.Adminiftration of facred Rites169

CLⅧ.Deftroying Altars and facred Terraces172

CLⅨ.Provincial facred Rites to be conformable to the Ritual Code ibid.CLⅩ.Care of the Tombs of diftinguifhed Perfonages173

CLⅪ.Difhonouring celeftial Spirits by unlicenfed Forms of Worfhip174

CLⅫ.Magicians, Leaders of Seεts, and Teachers of falfe Doεh-ines175


CLⅩⅢ.Preparation ofMedicines and Provifions for the Emperor177

CLⅩⅣ.Charge of the Imperial Equipage and Furniture178

CLⅩⅤ.Poffeffion and Concealment of prohibited Books and In-truments179

CLⅩⅥ.Tranfmiffion of Imperial Prefents180

CLⅩⅦ.Obfervance of Feftivals and Days of Ceremony ibid.180

CLⅩⅧ.Due Performance of appointed Ceremonies181

CLⅩⅨ.Officers of Government to addrefs the Emperor in Succef- fion, according to their Rank ibid.181

CLⅩⅩ.Vexatioufly detaining Officers of Government from the Im-perial Prefence ibid.181

CLⅩⅪ.Addreffes on public Affairs182

CLⅩⅫ.Monuments raifed by Officers of Government to commemo-rate their own Aεtions183

CLⅩⅩⅢ.Honorary Attendance on Superiors in Rank184

CLⅩⅩⅣ.Official Meffengers contemptuoufly treating Officers of Diftriεts185

CLⅩⅩⅤ.Sumptuary Laws relative to Drefs and Habitations185

CLⅩⅩⅥ.Drefs and Conduεt of the Priefts186

CLⅩⅩⅦ.Negleεt to obferve and note the celeftial Appearances187

CLⅩⅩⅧ.Conjurors and Fortune-tellers prohibited from Prophefy-ing public Events ibid.187

CLⅩⅩⅨ.Evading theDuty, and concealing the Occafion of Mourning188

CLⅩⅩⅩ.Officers of Government negleεting their Parents189

CLⅩⅩⅪ.Regulations concerning Funerals190

CLⅩⅩⅩⅫ.Regulation of Country Feftivals.191

FIFTH DIVISION,— Military Laws.193


CLⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Unauthorizedly entering the Imperial Temple193

CLⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Unauthorizedly entering the Imperial Palace194

CLⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Imperial Guards failing to do their Duty195

CLⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Imperial Retinue failing in their Attendance196

CLⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Trefpafs upon the Imperial Roads197

CLⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Rules concerning Labourers within the Palace198

CLⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Labourers in thePalace remaining after the Conclufion of their Work ibid.198

CⅩC.Irregularity in paffing through the Gates of the Imperial Palaces199

CⅩCⅠ.Examination of the Certificates or Paffports of Perfons having Employments in the Palace200

CⅩCⅡ.Shooting or throwing miffile Weapons towards an Im-perial Palace202

CⅩCⅢ.Soldiers and Officers on Guard to be always armed ibid.202

CⅩCⅣ.Conviεted Perfons and their Relations not to be employed near the Imperial Prefence203

CⅩCⅤ.Intrufion into the Space allotted for the Imperial Retinue204

CⅩCⅥ.Paffing through Gates leading to an Imperial Palace205

CⅩCⅦ.Scaling the Walls of fortified Places206

CⅩCⅧ.Regulations concerning the Gates of Cities ibid.206


CⅩCⅨ.Unauthorizedly employing military Force208

CC.Military Operations to be regularly reported210

CCⅠ.Expreffes upon military Affairs212

CCⅡ.Betraying the Secrets of the State213

CCⅢ.Application for and Tranfmiffion of military Supplies214

CCⅣ.Errors and Failures in military Operations215

CCⅤ.Military Officers and Troops not taking the Field according to their Inftruεtions ibid.215

CCⅥ.Soldiers ferving by Subftitutes216

CCⅦ.Officers on the Field of Battle unfaithful to their Truft217

CCⅧ.Connivance at the Depredations of the Soldiers218

CCⅨ.Exercife and Difcipline of the Troops220

CCⅩ.Exciting and caufing Rebellion by oppreffive Conduεt221

CCⅪ.Clandeftine Sale of Horfes taken in Battle ibid.221

CCⅫ.Clandeftine Sale of military Arms and Accoutrements222

CCⅩⅢ.Deftroying and cafting away military Arms and Accoutrements223

CCⅩⅣ.Poffeffion of prohibited Arms and Accoutrements224

CCⅩⅤ.Relaxation of, and Abfence from military Duties ibid.224

CCⅩⅥ.Princes and Hereditary Nobility employing the Troops of Government227

CCⅩⅦ.Defertion from military Service228

CCⅩⅧ.Favour to be fhewn to the Relations of Officers and Soldiers deceafed230

CCⅩⅨ.Regulations of the noεturnal Police ibid.230


CCⅩⅩ.Croffing a Barrier without a Licenfe232

CCⅩⅪ.Granting or obtaining Paffports or Licenfes under falfe Pretences233

CCⅩⅫ.Vexatious Treatment of Travellers at the Barriers235

CCⅩⅩⅢ.Affifting and favouring the Efcape of the Wives and Daugh-ters of Deferters236

CCⅩⅩⅣ.Examination and Deteεtion of fufpeεted Perfons237

CCⅩⅩⅤ.Illicit Exportation of Merchandize238

CCⅩⅩⅥ.Employment of Bow-men upon private Services239


CCⅩⅩⅦ.Refponfibility of the Charge of Government Cattle241

CCⅩⅩⅧ.Breeding of Horfes242

CCⅩⅩⅨ.Examination of Animals to be purchafed by Contraεt243

CCⅩⅩⅩ.Exercife of the Veterinary Art ibid.243

CCⅩⅩⅪ.Improper Ufage and Negleεt of Cattle244

CCⅩⅩⅫ.Negleεting to break in and exercife the Horfes of Go vernment245

CCⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Killing Horfes, horned Cattle, and other Animals ibid.245

CCⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Vicious and dangerous Animals248

CCⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Concealment of the Increafe of Animals belonging to Government249

CCⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Privately lending the Animals belonging to Government250

CCⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Public Meffengers ufing the Horfes of Government without Authority ibid.250


CCⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Conveyance of Government Orders and Difpatches252

CCⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Intercepting Addreffes to Government254

CCⅩL.Poft-houfes to be kept in Repair255

CCⅩLⅠ.Poft-foldiers to be employed on no other Service256

CCⅩLⅡ.Exprefs-meffengers delaying upon the Road ibid.256

CCⅩLⅢ.Exprefs-meffengers exceeding the Allowances of Horfes and Equipage fixed by Government257

CCⅩLⅣ.Exprefs-meffengers exceeding the fixed Allowance of Money and Provifions259

CCⅩLⅤ.Exprefs-poft to be referved for important Difpatches260

CCⅩLⅥ.Dilatorinefs in Tranfmiffions and Removals conneεted with the public Service261

CCⅩLⅦ.Occupation of the principal Apartments in Poft houfes262

CCⅩLⅧ.Tranfmiffion of private Property by Government Poft-horfes ibid.262

CCⅩLⅨ.Officers and others compelling the Inhabitants of their Diftriεt to carry their Palanquins263

CCL.Families of deceafed Officers to be removed at the public Expence264

CCLⅠ.Hiring Subftitutes, and entrufting to them an allotted perfonal Service ibid.264

CCLⅡ.Conveyance of private Property at the Charge of Go vernment266

CCLⅢ.Privately lending the Poft-horfes of Government267

SIXTH DIVISION,— CriminalLaws.269


CCLⅣ.High Treafon269

CCLⅤ.Rebellion and Renunciation of Allegiance272

CCLⅥ.Sorcery and Magic273


CCLⅧ.Stealing Ediεts and Ordinances of Government ibid.274

CCLⅨ.Stealing Seals and Stamps of Office275

CCLⅩ.Stealimg from an Imperial Palace ibid.275

CCLⅪ.Stealing the Keys of the Gate of a Fort or City ibid.275

CCLⅫ.Stealing Military Weaponsand Accoutrements276

CCLⅩⅢ.Stealing Timber from a Burying-Ground277

CCLⅩⅣ.Embezzlement of public Property ibid.277

CCLⅩⅤ.Theft of public Property279

CCLⅩⅥ.Robbery,—Highway Robbery280

CCLⅩⅦ.Refcue from Prifon281

CCLⅩⅧ.Robbing in open Day283

CCLⅩⅨ.Stealing in general284

CCLⅩⅩ.Stealing Horfes and other domefticated Animals285

CCLⅩⅪ.Stealing Corn or other Produce in the open Field286

CCLⅩⅫ.Stealing from Relations or Connexions287

CCLⅩⅩⅢ.Extorting Property by Threats288

CCLⅩⅩⅣ.Obtaining Property under falfe Pretences289

CCLⅩⅩⅤ.Kidnapping, or the unlawful Seizure and Sale of free Perfons290

CCLⅩⅩⅥ.Difturbing Graves293

CCLⅩⅩⅦ.Unauthorizedly entering a Dwelling-boufe by Night297

CCLⅩⅩⅧ.Harbouring Thieves and Robbers ibid.297

CCLⅩⅩⅨ.Rules by which the Acceffaries to a Theft and the Ac ceffaries to a Robbery are diftinguifhed299

CCLⅩⅩⅩ.What conffitutes a Theft or a Robbery, and what an Attempt only300

CCLⅩⅩⅩL Defacing or deftroying the Marks with which Thieves had been branded301


CCLⅩⅩⅫ.Preconcerted Homicide ; Murder303

CCLⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Murder of an Officer of Government304


CCLⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Killing an Adulterer307

CCLⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Widows killing their deceafed Hufband's Relations ibid.307

CCLⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Murder of three or more Perfons in one Family308

CCLⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Murder, with the Intent to mangle and divide the Body of the Deceafed for magical Purpofes309

CCLⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Rearing venomous Animals, and preparing Poifons310

CCⅩC.Killing with an Intent to kill, and killing in an Affray311

CCⅩCⅠ.Depriving of Food or Raiment312

CCⅩCⅡ.Killing or wounding in Play, by Error, or purely by Accident313

CCⅩCⅢ.A Hufband killing his culpable Wife315

CCⅩCⅣ.Killing a Son, Grandfon, or Slave, and attributing the Crime to an innocent Perfon316

CCⅩCⅤ.Wounding mortally or otherwife, by fhooting Arrows and fimilar Weapons317

CCⅩCⅥ.Wounding mortally or otherwife by Means of Horfes and Carriages318

CCⅩCⅦ.Praεtitioners of Medicine killing. or injuring their Patients319

CCⅩCⅧ.Killing or wounding by Means of Traps or Springes320

CCⅩCⅨ.Occafioning the Death of an Individual by violent and fearful Threats321

CCC.Compromifing and concealing the Crime of killing an eider Relation322

CCCⅠ.Negleεting to give Information of, or to interfere and prevent a violent injury which is known to be intended323


CCCⅡ.Quarrelling and Fighting between Equals in ordinary Cafes324

CCCⅢ.Periods of Refponfibility for the Confequences of a Wound327

CCCⅣ.Quarrelling and Fighting within the Imperial Palace329

CCCⅤ.Striking or wounding an Individual of the Imperial Blood330

CCCⅥ.Striking ordinary and extraordinary Officers of Go vernment ibid.330

CCCⅦ.Subordinate Officers of Government ftriking Perfons who are their Superiors both in Rank and Jurif diεtion332

CCCⅧ.Co-ordinate or independent Officers of Government ftriking each other333

CCCⅨ.Officers of Government ftriking their Superiors in Rank, but not in Jurifdiεtion ibid.333

CCCⅩ.Refifting and ftriking any Perfon employed officially by Government on public Service334

CCCⅪ.Difciples and Apprenticesftriking their Mafters335

CCCⅫ.Unlawful Detention and Imprifonment ibid.335

CCCⅩⅢ.Slaves and free Perfons affaulting and ftriking each other336

CCCⅩⅣ.Slaves ftriking their Mafters338

CCCⅩⅤ.Wives ftriking their Hufbands341

CCCⅩⅥ.Striking a Relation not within any of the four Degrees343

CCCⅩⅦ.Striking a Relation in the 2d, 3d, or 4th Degree344

CCCⅩⅧ.Striking a Relation in the 1ff Degree345

CCCⅩⅨ.Striking a Father or Mother, paternal Grandfather or Grandmother346

CCCⅩⅩ.Wives ftriking their Hufband's Relations349

CCCⅩⅪ.Striking a Wife's Children by her former Hufband351

CCCⅩⅫ.Widows ftriking the Parents of their deceafed Huf bands ibid.351

CCCⅩⅩⅢ.Striking in Defence of a Parent352


CCCⅩⅩⅣ.Abufive Language between Equals354

CCCⅩⅩⅤ.Abufive Language to an Officer of Government ibid.354

CCCⅩⅩⅥ.Abufive Language between Officers of the fame Tri bunal355

CCCⅩⅩⅦ.Abufive Language from a Slave to his Mafter356

CCCⅩⅩⅧ.Abufive Language to an elder Relation ibid.356

CCCⅩⅩⅨ.Abufive Language to a Parent, paternal Grandfather or Grandmother357

CCCⅩⅩⅩ.Abufive Language from a Wife to her Hufband's Relations ibid.357

CCCⅩⅩⅪ.Abufive Language addreffed by a Widow to her de ceafed Hufband's Parents358


CCCⅩⅩⅫ.Irregularity in prefenting Informations359

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Anonymous Informations360

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Neglecεting or declining to receive Informations361

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Informations which muff be transferred to the cogni zance of others364

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Falfe and malicious Informations ibid.364

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Informations againff Relations371

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Difobedience to Parents374

CCCⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Informations prefented by Criminals under Confine-ment374

CCCⅩL.Exciting and promoting Litigation375

CCCⅩLⅠ.Informations on Subjeεts affeεting Civil as well as Military Affairs376

CCCⅩLⅡ.Informations and Profecutions on the Part of Officers of Government377

CCCⅩLⅢ.Falfe Accufations of Offences punifhable with extraor dinary Banifhment378


CCCⅩLⅣ.Accepting a Bribe379

CCCⅩLⅤ.Pecuniary Malverfation382

CCCⅩLⅥ.Receiving Money corruptly by way of Reward384

CCCⅩLⅦ.Contraεting for and agreeing to accept a Bribe ibid.384

CCCⅩLⅧ.Offering a Bribe385

CCCⅩLⅨ.Extortion of Loans, and unfair Sales386

CCCL.Extortion and other corrupt Praεtices of Perfons in the Families of Officers of Government388

CCCLⅠ.Extortion and other corrupt Praεtices of Great Of ficers of State ibid.388

CCCLⅡ.Levying extraordinary Contributions on the Plea of public Service389

CCCLⅢ.Suppreffing the Difcovery of ftolen Goods390

CCCLⅣ.Receiving Prefents from the higher hereditary Nobi lity391


CCCLⅤ.Falfification of an Imperial Ediεt392

CCCLⅥ.Falfification of verbal Orders394

CCCLⅦ.Falfely and deceitfully addreffing the Sovereign395

CCCLⅧ.Counterfeiting any official Seal, or the Imperial Al manac396

CCCLⅨ.Counterfeiting the current Coin of the Realm397

CCCLⅩ.Impoftors pretending to be Officers of Government398

CCCLⅪ.Impoftors pretending to be Great Officers of State399

CCCLⅫ.Officers of State, and others belonging to the Court,interfering without Authority401

CCCLⅩⅢ.Pretending to difcover Prognoftics ibid.401

CCCLⅩⅣ.Pretending Sicknefs or Death ibid.401

CCCLⅩⅤ.Seducing Perfons to tranfgrefs the Laws403


CCCLⅩⅥ.Criminal Intercourfe in general404

CCCLⅩⅦ.Conniving at or confenting to a criminal Intercourfe405

CCCLⅩⅧ.Inceft or criminal Intercourfe between Relations406

CCCLⅩⅨ.Accufing an elder Relation of Adultery407

CCCLⅩⅩ.Criminal Intercourfe between Slaves or Servants and their Mafter's Wives ibid.407

CCCLⅩⅪ.Criminal Intercourfe between Officers of Government and Females under their Jurifdiεtion408

CCCLⅩⅫ.Criminal Intercourfe during the Period of Mourning409

CCCLⅩⅩⅢ.Criminal Intercourfe between free Perfons and Slaves ibid.409

CCCLⅩⅩⅣ.Officers of Government frequenting the Company of Proftitutes and Aεtreffes410

CCCLⅩⅩⅤ.Strolling Players ibid.410


CCCLⅩⅩⅥ.Defacing or deftroying public Monuments411

CCCLⅩⅩⅦ.Care of Soldiers, and of Labourers for the Public,when fick ibid.411


CCCLⅩⅩⅨ.Eunuchs ibid.412

CCCLⅩⅩⅩ.Making illegal Propofals413

CCCLⅩⅩⅪ.Compromifing Offences, and withdrawing them from the Cognizance of the Magiftrates415

CCCLⅩⅩⅫ.Accidental Houfe-burning415

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Wilful and malicious Houfe-burning417

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Theatrical Reprefentations418

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Tranfgreffion of Standing Rules and Orders419

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Improper Conduεt not fpecifically punifhable ibid.419


CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Duty of Police Officers420

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Criminals refifting the Police Officers421

CCCLⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Prifoners efcaping or rifing againft their Keepers422

CCCⅩC.Returning or efcaping from a Place of Banifhment423

CCCⅩCⅠ.Delaying the Execution of a Sentence of Banifhment425

CCCⅩCⅡ.Jailors and others fuffering their Prifoners to efcape426

CCCⅩCⅢ.Privately affifting and concealing Criminals428

CCCⅩCⅣ.Periods allowed for the Purfuit of Thieves and Robbers429


CCCⅩCⅤ.Securing the Perfons of Prifoners431

CCCⅩCⅥ.Imprifonment and Procedure againft unaccufed and unimplicated Perfons433

CCCⅩCⅦ.Delay in executing the Sentence of the Law435

CCCⅩCⅧ.Ill Treatment of Prifoners436

CCCⅩCⅨ.Allowing Prifoners fharp Inftruments ibid.CCCC.Encouraging and exciting Prifoners to make ground lefs Appeals438

CCCCⅠ.Supply of Food and Clothes to Prifoners439

CCCCⅡ.Indulgence in confideration of the Rank and former Services of Prifoners440

CCCCⅢ.Prifoners committing Suicide441

CCCCⅣ.Torture not to be ufed in the judicial Examination of Children or of the Aged ibid.441

CCCCⅤ.Confronting Offenders and their Affociates442

CCCCⅥ.Examination of Offenders to correfpond with the Charges againft them444

CCCCⅦ.Profecutors not to be detained after a Trial is con cluded445

CCCCⅧ.Offenders recriminating upon innocent Perfons ibid.CCCCⅨ.Pronouncing and executing an unjuft Sentence447

CCCCⅩ.Reverfal of a falfe Judgment450

CCCCⅪ.Execution of Judgment451

CCCCⅫ.Examination of the Body in Cafes of Homicide452

CCCCⅩⅢ.Infliεtion of Punifhments in an illegal Manner453

CCCCⅩⅣ.Proceedings againft Offences committed by fuperior Magiftrates455

CCCCⅩⅤ.Laws, Statutes, and Precedents which are to be ob ferved in paffing Sentence ibid.455

CCCCⅩⅥ.Prifoners upon Trial, at Liberty either to plead guilty or to proteft againft their Sentence456

CCCCⅩⅦ.Mifapplication or Difregard of an Aεt of Grace and Pardon457

CCCCⅩⅧ.Offending defignedly, in the Expeεtation of Impunity through an Aεt of Grace and Pardon ibid.457

CCCCⅩⅨ.Services to be performed by temporarily banifhed Offenders458

CCCCⅩⅩ.Punifhment of Female Offenders459

CCCCⅩⅪ.Execution of Criminals without waiting for the Em-peror's Ratification460

CCCCⅩⅫ.Execution of a Sentence by a falfe Conftruεtion of the Laws 461

CCCCⅩⅩⅢ.Clerks of Tribunals altering the Statements of In formers462

SEVENTH DIVISION, — Laws relative to Public Works.463


CCCCⅩⅩⅣ.Ordering public Works without fufficient Authority463

CCCCⅩⅩⅤ.Unneceffary and unferviceable Works464

CCCCⅩⅩⅥ.Public Works and Manufaεtures to be conformable to Rule and Cuftom465

CCCCⅩⅩⅦ.Mifapplication of public Stores466

CCCCⅩⅩⅧ.Mifapplication of the public Looms467

CCCCⅩⅩⅨ.Working Silks or Stuffs according to prohibited Patterns ibid.467

CCCCⅩⅩⅩ.Irregularity in the Supplies of raw Materials, and in the Iffue of manufaεtured Goods468

CCCCⅩⅩⅪ.Due Prefervation and Repair of public Buildings ibid.468

CCCCⅩⅩⅫ.Officers of Government not refiding in the Habita tions allotted to them469


CCCCⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Damaging Embankments of Rivers471

CCCCⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Negleεting duly to repair and maintain Embank-ments472

CCCCⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Encroaching on public Highways473

CCCCⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Repair of Roads and Bridges ibid.473


Ⅰ.TRANSLATION of the Teftamentary Ediεt of KIEN LUNG, the late Emperor of China477

Ⅱ.Tranflation of the Ediεt of the reigning Emperor KIA-KING, by which the Death of his Father, the Emperor KIEN LUNG, was firft officially made public483

Ⅲ.Note of the Tranflator ; containing the Titles of omitted Articles of Preliminary Matter486

Ⅳ.Note of the Tranflator; relative to the introduεtory Table of Degreesof Relationfhip and Mourning487

Ⅴ.Tranflation of the Supplementary Claufes to Seεtion Ⅰ. entitled " Defcription of ordinary Punifhments"488

Ⅵ.Note of the Tranflator upon Seεtion Ⅱ. entitled " Offences of a treafonable Nature"490

Ⅶ.Note of the Tranflator upon Seεtion Ⅲ. entitled " Privileged Claffes " ibid.Ⅷ.Note of the Tranflator; containing fome Remarks upon the Hiftory of Ho-chung-tong, the favourite Minifter of the Emperor KIEN-LUNG491

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt in which various Articles of Impeachment againft the Minifter Ho-chung-tong are exhi bited493

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, announcing the Sentence of Condemnation paffed upon the Minifter Ho-chung-tong, and upon fome of his Relations and principal Adherents498

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, declaratory of a general Am nefty in favour of all other Perfons who might have been conneεted with or influenced by the faid Minifter502

Ⅸ.Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, extraεted from the Pekin Gazette, containing a Statement of the Grounds upon which a Sentence of Death had been paffed upon Quay-lung,Viceroy of the Province of Sechuen504

Ⅹ.Tranflation of an official Statement of Charges exhibited by the Sub-Viceroy of Quang-tung, againft fundry Officers of that provincial Government509

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt containing the Emperor's Decifion upon the faid Charges513

Ⅺ.Note of the Tranflator ; containing fome Remarks upon the Application of the Laws of China to the Cafe of Britifh Subjeεts trading to and refiding at Canton515

T ranflation of an Ediεt of the Governor of Hiang-fhan, ad-dreffed to the Chinefe and Portuguefe Inhabitants of Macao, in confequence of the Refufal of the Portuguefe to deliver into the Hands of the Chinefe Magiftrates a European charged with the Murder of a Chinefe517

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt iffued on the occafion of two Ruffian Ships vifiting the Port of Canton, in order to open a Trade by Sea with the Chinefe Empire518

Tranflation of an Extraεt of an Ediεt of the Viceroy of Quang-tung and Quang-fee, iffued on the occafion of an Englifh Veffel having been ftranded on the Coaft of China520

Tranflation of an official Statement of the Trial and Sentence of an Englifl Seaman, charged with having ftruck a native Chinefe, fo as to occafion his Death521

Ⅻ.Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt iffued on the Receipt of an Addrefs recommending the Eftablifhment of Colleges in the feveral Diftriεts of Tartary525

Tranflation of an Extraεt from the Claufes annexed to Seεtion LⅩⅩⅧ. entitled " Rule of Succeffion and Inheritance" ibid.ⅩⅢ.Note of the Tranflator on the Nature of the ordinary Tenure of Land in China, in relation to the Subjeεt of Seεtion LⅩⅩⅩⅧ. entitled "rounger and inferior Branches of a Family difpofing of the Property without Leave"526

ⅩⅣ.Extraεt of a Letter from a Miflionary at Pekin, containing fome Account of the Effeεts of an Inundation in the Province of Pe-che-lee528

Extraεt of a Letter from a Chinefe Chriftian, containing fome Obfervations on the general State of the Population in the Province of Sban-fee ibid.TABLE OF CONTENTS.ⅩⅤ.Abftraεt of fome of the principal Claufes annexed to See tion ⅩCⅤ. entitled " Law of Mortgages"529

ⅩⅥ.Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, containing the Sentence of certain military Officers conviεted of the Crime of em bezzling public Stores530

ⅩⅦ.Note of the Tranflator on the high Rate of the legal Intereft of Money in China ; in reference to the Subjeεt of Seεtion CⅩLIⅩ. entitled " Ufury" ibid.ⅩⅧ.Tranflation of an hnperial Ediεt, containing the Emperor's Sentence upon divers Perfons conviεted of embracing, or of endeavouring to propagate the Chriftian Religion in China532

Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, containing Animadverfions upon the Contents of certain Chinefe Books, defcriptive of the Tenets of the Catholic Church535

ⅩⅨ.Tranflation of an Imperial Ediεt, iffued on the occafion of an Attempt to affaffinate the prefent Emperor537

ⅩⅩ.Tranflation of an Extraεt from the Pekin Gazette, contain ing an official Report of certain Operations of the Chinefe Imperial Forces on the occafion of a Rebellion in the Pro vince of Sechuen540

ⅩⅪ.Tranflation of two of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCⅩⅩⅤ. entitled " Illicit Exportation of Merchandize"543

ⅩⅫ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅣ. entitled" High Treafon"544

ⅩⅩⅢ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅤ. entitled" Rebellion and Renunciation of Allegiance"545

ⅩⅩⅣ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅥ. entitled" Sorcery and Magic"548

ⅩⅩⅤ.Tranflation of the moft material among the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅩⅢ. entitled " Stealing Timber from a Burying-ground"550

ⅩⅩⅥ.Tranllation of the firft feven Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅩⅣ. entitled " Embezzlement of public Property"552

ⅩⅩⅦ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅩⅤ. en titled " Theft of public Property"553

ⅩⅩⅧ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCLⅩⅥ. en titled" Robbery—Highway Robbery"554

ⅩⅩⅨ.Tranflation of the Claufes and Commentary annexed to Seεtion CCLⅩⅩⅫ. entitled " Preconcerted Homicide—Murder"560

ⅩⅩⅩ.Tranflation of an Extraεt from a Volume of Chinefe Law Reports, containing the Trial, Revifal of Proceedings, and final Sentence, in the Cafe of an Offender charged with Homicide by Gun-firing563

ⅩⅩⅪ.Tranflation of another Extraεt from the fame Colleεtion of Law Reports, containing the Trial, Revifal of Proceedings,and final Sentence, in the Cafe of a Mafter charged with the Murder of his Servant566

ⅩⅩⅫ.Tranflation of the Claufes annexed to Seεtion CCCLⅩⅥ. entitled " Criminal Intercourfe in general"569
