
- 著
- 出版社: VCH
- ISBN:1560815795
- 出版时间:1994
- 标注页数:550页
- 文件大小:175MB
- 文件页数:569页
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1 Elastic Solid&Christopher W.Macosko5
1.1 Introduction5
1.2 The Stress Tensor8
1.2.1 Notation11
1.2.2 Symmetry16
1.2.3 Pressure18
1.3 Principal Stresses and Invariants20
1.4 Finite Deformation Tensors24
1.4.1 Finger Tensor29
1.4.2 Strain Tensor32
1.4.3 Inverse Deformation Tensors32
1.4.4 Principal Strains34
1.5 Neo-Hookean Solid37
1.5.1 Uniaxial Extension38
1.5.2 Simple Shear40
1.6 General Elastic Solid40
1.6.1 Strain-Energy Function42
1.6.2 Anisotropy44
1.6.3 Rubber-like Liquids45
1.7 Equations of Motion45
1.7.1 Mass Balance45
1.7.2 Momentum Balance47
1.8 Boundary Conditions52
1.9 Summary58
1.10 Exercises59
2 Viscous Liquid&Christopher W.Macosko65
2.1 Introduction65
2.2 Velocity Gradient68
2.2.1 Rate of Deformation Tensor72
2.3 Newtonian Fluid77
2.3.1 Uniaxial Extension79
2.4 General Viscous Fluid83
2.4.1 Power Law84
2.4.2 Cross Model86
2.4.3 Other Viscous Models86
2.4.4 The Importance of II 2D89
2.4.5 Extensional Thickening Models91
2.5 Plastic Behavior92
2.5.1 Other Viscoplastic Models95
2.6 Balance Equations98
2.6.1 Equations of Motion99
2.6.2 Boundary Conditions99
2.6.3 Energy Equation100
2.6.4 Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Viscosity100
2.7 Summary104
2.8 Exercises105
3 Linear Viscoelasticity&Christopher W.Macosko109
3.1 Introduction109
3.2 General Linear Viscoelastic Model111
3.2.1 Relaxation Spectrum115
3.2.2 Linear Viscoelasticity in Three Dimensions115
3.2.3 Differential Form115
3.3 Small Strain Material Functions117
3.3.1 Stress Relaxation118
3.3.2 Creep119
3.3.3 Sinusoidal Oscillations121
3.4 Exercises126
Appendix 3A&Robert B.Secor127
Curve Fitting of Relaxation Modulus127
Approximating Form127
Error Measure128
Search Procedures129
4 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity&Ronald G.Larson135
4.1 Introduction135
4.2 Nonlinear Phenomena138
4.2.1 Normal Stress Difference in Shear138
4.2.2 Shear Thinning139
4.2.3 Interrelations Between Shear Functions140
4.2.4 Extensional Thickening142
4.3 Simple Nonlinear Constitutive Equations146
4.3.1 Second-Order Fluid146
4.3.2 Upper-Convected Maxwell Equation149
4.3.3 Lodge Integral Equation153
4.4 More Accurate Constitutive Equations158
4.4.1 Integral Constitutive Equations158
4.4.2 Maxwell-Type Differential Constitutive Equations166
4.5 Summary170
4.6 Exercises171
5 Shear Rheometry:Drag Flows&Christopher W.Macosko181
5.1 Introduction181
5.2 Sliding Plates,Falling Ball184
5.2.1 Falling Cylinder185
5.2.2 Falling Ball187
5.2.3 Rolling Ball187
5.3 Concentric Cylinder Rheometer188
5.3.1 Shear Stress190
5.3.2 Shear Strain and Rate191
5.3.3 Normal Stresses in Couette Flow195
5.3.4 Rod Climbing198
5.3.5 End Effects200
5.3.6 Secondary Flows202
5.3.7 Shear Heating in Couette Flow203
5.4 Cone and Plate Rheometer205
5.4.1 Shear Stress206
5.4.2 Shear Strain Rate207
5.4.3 Normal Stresses208
5.4.4 Inertia and Secondary Flow209
5.4.5 Edge Effects with Cone and Plate213
5.4.6 Shear Heating216
5.4.7 Summary216
5.5 Parallel Disks217
5.5.1 Normal Stresses221
5.6 Drag Flow Indexers222
5.6.1 Rotating Disk in a Sea of Fluid223
5.6.2 Rotating Vane224
5.6.3 Helical Screw Rheometer224
5.6.4 Instrumented Mixers225
5.7 Eccentric Rotating Geometries226
5.7.1 Rotating Cantiliver Rod227
5.7.2 Eccentric Rotating Disks227
5.7.3 Other Eccentric Geometries231
6 Shear Rheometry:Pressure-Driven Flows&Christopher W.Macosko237
6.1 Introduction237
6.2 Capillary Rheometer238
6.2.1 Shear Rate240
6.2.2 Wall Slip,Melt Fracture244
6.2.3 True Shear Stress247
6.2.4 Shear Heating252
6.2.5 Extrudate Swell254
6.2.6 Melt Index256
6.3 Slit Rheometry257
6.3.1 Normal Stresses260
6.3.2 Exit Pressure261
6.3.3 Pressure Hole262
6.4 Other Pressure Rheometers266
6.4.1 Axial Annular Flow266
6.4.2 Tangential Annular Flow267
6.4.3 Tilted Open Channel268
6.4.4 Squeezing Flow270
6.5 Comparison of Shear Methods275
6.6 Summary277
7 Extensional Rheometry&Christopher W.Macosko285
7.1 Introduction285
7.2 Simple Extension288
7.2.1 End Clamps291
7.2.2 Rotating Clamps292
7.2.3 Buoyancy Baths294
7.2.4 Spinning Drop296
7.3 Lubricated Compression297
7.3.1 Planar Squeezing303
7.4 Sheet Stretching,Multiaxial Extension303
7.4.1 Rotating Clamps304
7.4.2 Inflation Methods306
7.5 Fiber Spinning308
7.5.7 Tubeless Siphon315
7.6 Bubble Collapse317
7.7 Stagnation Flows320
7.7.1 Lubricated Dies322
7.7.2 Unlubricated Dies322
7.7.3 Opposed Nozzles323
7.8 Entrance Flows326
7.9 Summary332
8 Rheometer Design&Christopher W.Macosko337
8.1 Introduction337
8.2 Drag Flow Rheometers338
8.2.1 Controlled Strain339
8.2.2 Torque Measurement342
8.2.3 Normal Stresses345
8.2.4 Alignment347
8.2.5 Controlled Stress349
8.2.6 Environmental Control352
8.3 Data Analysis357
8.3.1 Sinusoidal Oscillations359
8.3.2 Transient363
8.4 Pressure-Driven Rheometers364
8.5 Extensional Rheometers368
8.6 Process Line Rheometers370
8.7 Summary373
9 Rheo-Optics:Flow Birefringence&Timothy P.Lodge379
9.1 Introduction379
9.2 Review of Optical Phenomena381
9.2.1 Absorption and Emission Spectroscopies382
9.2.2 Scattering Techniques382
9.2.3 Birefringence and Dichroism384
9.3 Polarized Light386
9.3.1 Transmission Through a Series of Optical Elements390
9.4 Flow Birefringence:Principles and Practice393
9.4.1 The Stress-Optical Relation393
9.4.2 Range of Applicability of the Stress-Optical Relation397
9.4.3 Geometries for Measuring Flow Birefringence400
9.4.4 Birefringence in Steady and Transient Couette Flow403
9.4.5 Birefringence in Oscillatory Shear Flow405
9.4.6 Experimental Considerations407
9.5 Flow Birefringence:Applications408
9.5.1 Stress Field Visualization408
9.5.2 Extensional Flow409
9.5.3 Dynamics of Isolated,Flexible Homopolymers409
9.5.4 Dynamics of Isolated Block Copolymers412
9.5.5 Dynamics of Block Copolymer Melts415
9.5.6 Dynamics of a Binary Blend415
9.5.7 Birefringence in Transient Flows416
9.5.8 Rheo-Optics of Suspensions416
9.5.9 Rotational Dynamics of Rigid Rods417
9.6 Summary419
10 Suspension Rheology&Jan Mewis and Christopher W.Macosko425
10.1 Introduction425
10.2 Dilute Suspensions of Spheres428
10.2.1 Hard Spheres428
10.2.2 Particle Migration430
10.2.3 Emulsions434
10.2.4 Deformable Spheres437
10.3 Particle-Fluid Interactions:Dilute Spheroids439
10.3.1 Orientation Distribution440
10.3.2 Constitutive Relations for Spheroids443
10.4 Particle-Particle Interactions449
10.4.1 Dispersion Forces450
10.4.2 Electrostatic Forces451
10.4.3 Polymeric(Steric)Forces452
10.4.4 Scaling454
10.5 Brownian Hard Particles455
10.5.1 Monodisperse Hard Spheres455
10.5.2 Particle Size Distribution458
10.5.3 Nonspherical Particles459
10.5.4 Non-Newtonian Media460
10.5.5 Extensional Flow of Ellipsoids460
10.6 Stable Colloidal Suspensions461
10.6.1 Electrostatic Stabilization462
10.6.2 Polymeric(Steric)Stabilization464
10.7 Flocculated Systems465
10.7.1 Structure in Flocculated Dispersions465
10.7.2 Static Properties467
10.7.3 Flow Behavior468
10.8 Summary470
11 Rheology of Polymeric Liquids&Matthew Tirrell475
11.1 Introduction475
11.2 Polymer Chain Conformation476
11.3 Zero Shear Viscosity479
11.3.1 Dilute Solution479
11.3.2 Nondilute Polymeric Liquids480
11.3.3 Coil Overlap482
11.4 Rheology of Dilute Polymer Solutions487
11.4.1 Elastic Dumbbell487
11.4.2 Rouse and Other Multihead Models495
11.5 Concentrated Solutions and Melts497
11.5.1 Entanglements497
11.5.2 Reptation Model502
11.5.3 Effects of Long Chain Branching505
11.5.4 Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution506
11.6 Temperature Dependence510
11.7 Summary512
Appendix Solutions to Exercises515
Chapter 1515
Chapter 2521
Chapter 3527
Chapter 4531
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