
- 夏立平著 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海人民出版社
- ISBN:7208041024
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:622页
- 文件大小:25MB
- 文件页数:645页
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Forward Liang Yufan1
前言 陈佩尧1
序 梁于藩1
Preface Chen Peiyao1
第一篇 军备控制的理论和实际与亚太地区安全3
第一章 军备控制理论与亚太地区安全3
第一节 国际军备控制理论概述3
1.Survey of Theory of International Arms Control3
Chapter One:Theory of Arms Control and Asia-Pacific Security3
PartⅠ:The Theory and Practice of Arms Control and Asia-Pacific Security3
第二节 建立有中国特色的军备控制理论和亚太地区安全理论29
2.Establishing the Theory of Arms Control and Asia-Pacific Security with Chinese Characteristics29
第二章 亚太地区安全与军备控制的历史与趋势36
Chapter Two:History and Trend of Asia-Pacific Security and Arms Control36
第一节 亚太地区安全形势的演变与特点37
1.Evolution and Characteristics of Asia-Pacific Security situation37
2.Development and Characteristics of Asia-Pacific Arms Control54
第二节 亚太地区军备控制的发展与特点54
1.Characteristics of the Revolution in Military Affairs64
Chapter Three:Revolution in Military Affairs and Asia-Pacific Arms Control64
第一节 新军事革命的特点64
第三章 新军事革命与亚太地区军备控制64
2.Impacts of the Revolution in Military Affairs on Military and International Strategic Situation79
第二节 新军事革命对军事形势和国际战略形势的影响79
第三节 新军事革命对亚太地区军备发展和军备控制的影响97
3.Impacts of the Revolution in Military Affairs on Arms Development and Control in the Asia-Pacific Region97
第四章 美苏(俄)核军备竞赛与核军控谈判及其对亚太地区的影响105
第二篇 亚太地区削减和限制核武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器105
PartⅡ:Reduction or Restriction of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia-Pacific Region105
Chapter Four:Nuclear Arms Race and Arms Control Negotiations between US and Russia(USSR)and Its Impacts on the Asia-Pacific Region105
1.Nuclear Arms Race between the United States and USSR106
第一节 美苏核军备竞赛106
2.USSR-US Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations during the Cold War116
第二节 冷战时期美苏核军备控制谈判116
3.US-Russian Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations and Nuclear Development During the post-Cold War Period139
第三节 冷战结束后美俄核裁军谈判与核军备发展139
第四节 美苏(俄)核武器对亚太地区安全的影响156
4.Impacts of US-USSR(Russian)Nuclear weapons on Asia-Pacific Security156
第五章 亚太地区防止核武器扩散的进程177
Chapter Five:Process of Prevention of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region177
第一节 亚太地区核武器及其技术扩散情况和发展趋势178
1.Situation and Trend of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and Their Technologies in the Asia-Pacific Region178
第二节 亚太地区核武器及其技术扩散的主要原因和影响190
2.Main Reasons and Impacts of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon Technologies in the Asia-Pacific Region190
3.Efforts of Prevention of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon in the Asia-Pacific Region192
第三节 亚太地区防止核武器扩散的努力192
1.Nuclear Tests204
Chapter Six:Prohibition of Nuclear Tests and Asia-Pacific Security204
第一节 核试验204
第六章 禁止核试验与亚太地区安全204
第二节 禁止核试验的进程与亚太地区安全215
2.Process of Prohibition of Nuclear Tests and Asia-Pacific Security215
第一节 无核武器区的进展232
第七章 无核武器区的发展与亚太地区安全232
Chapter Seven:Development of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones and Asia-Pacific Security232
1.Development of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones232
2.Comparison of Current Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones245
第二节 现有的无核武器区比较245
第三节 建立新的无核武器区的努力250
3.Efforts of Establishment of New Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones250
第四节 建立无核武器区对亚太地区安全的积极影响257
4.Positive Impacts of Establishment of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones on Asia-Pacific Security257
第八章 亚太地区禁止化学武器的进程261
第一节 亚太地区化学武器的情况261
1.Situation of Chemical Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region261
Chapter Eight:Process of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region261
第二节 亚太地区禁止化学武器的努力266
2.Efforts of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region266
Chapter Nine:Process of Prohibition of Biological Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region282
第一节 亚太地区生物武器的情况282
1.Situation of Biological Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region282
第九章 亚太地区禁止生物武器的进程282
第二节 亚太地区禁止生物武器的努力289
2.Efforts of Prohibition of Biological Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region289
Chapter Ten:Spread and Control of Ballistic Missiles in the Asia-Pacific Region303
第十章 亚太地区弹道导弹及其技术的扩散与控制303
第三篇 亚太地区弹道导弹及外空武器控制303
第一节 亚太地区弹道导弹扩散的进程和现状303
1.Process and Situation of Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles in the Asia-Pacific Region303
PartⅢ:Control of Ballistic Missiles and Outer Space Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region303
第二节 亚太地区防止弹道导弹扩散的途径313
2.Way to Prevent the Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles and Their Technologies in the Asia-Pacific Region313
1.Development of Anti-Ballistic Missiles Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region322
第一节 亚太地区反弹道导弹系统的发展322
第十一章 亚太地区反弹道导弹系统的发展与控制322
Chapter Eleven:Development and Control of Anti-Ballistic Missiles Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region322
2.Control of Anti-Ballistic Missiles Systems Relating to the Asia-Pacific Region351
第二节 与亚太地区有关的对反弹道导弹系统的控制351
Chapter Twelve:Outer Space Arms Control and Asia-Pacific Security363
1.Development of Outer Space Weapons and Capability in the Asia-Pacific Region363
第一节 亚太地区外空武器和外空能力的发展363
第十二章 外层空间军备控制与亚太地区安全363
第二节 外空军备控制的进展及其对亚太地区的影响369
2.Process of Outer Space Arms Control and Its Impacts on the Asia-Pacific Region369
第十三章 亚太地区常规武器及其技术的转让与控制377
Chapter Thirteen:Transfer and Control of Conventional Weapons and Their Technologies in the Asia-Pacific Region377
第四篇 亚太地区常规武器控制和建立信任措施377
Part Ⅳ:Conventional Arms Control and Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific Region377
1.Evolution and Characteristics of Conventional Weapons Transfer in the Asia-Pacific Region378
第一节 亚太地区常规武器转让的演变和特点378
2.Analysis of Market of Conventional Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region384
第二节 亚太地区常规武器市场分析384
3.Control of Conventional Weapons Transfer in the Asia-Pacific Region392
第三节 对亚太地区常规武器转让的控制392
Chapter Fourteen:Naval Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific Region399
第十四章 亚太地区的海军军备控制399
1.History of Naval Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific Region before the Second World War400
第一节 二战以前亚太地区海军军备控制的历史400
2.Situation,Evolution and Impacts of Naval Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region during the Cold War and Post-Cold War407
第二节 冷战时期及其后亚太地区海军力量的态势演变及影响407
第三节 当前亚太地区海上力量发展的主要特点415
3.Main Characteristics of Development of Naval Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region415
4.Current Situation and Perspectives of Naval Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific Region419
第四节 亚太地区海军军备控制的现状与前景419
1.Process of Restriction of Landmines in the Asia-Pacific Regions425
Chapter Fifteen:Limitation of Landmines and other Certain Conventional Weapons in the Asia-Pacific Region425
第一节 亚太地区限制地雷的进程425
第十五章 亚太地区限制地雷和其他特定常规武器425
2.International Law of Restriction of other Certain Conventional Weapons435
第二节 限制其他特定常规武器的国际法规435
1.Main Contents and Characteristics of Confidence-Building Measures442
Chapter Sixteen:Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific Region442
第一节 建立信任措施的主要内容与特点442
第十六章 亚太地区建立信任措施442
第二节 冷战时期亚太地区建立信任措施的发展448
2.Development of Establishment of Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific Region during the Cold War448
3.Process of Establishment of Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific Region during the post-Cold War Era453
第三节 冷战后时期亚太地区建立信任措施的进程453
4.Development of Establishing Confidence-Building Measures between China and other Countries462
第四节 中国与有关各国建立信任措施的进展462
第一节 东北亚地区安全形势的演变与特点487
第五篇 次地区安全与军备控制487
第十七章 东北亚地区安全与军备控制487
1.Evolution and Characteristics of Northeast Asian Security Situation487
Chapter Seventeen:Northeast Asian Security and Arms Control487
Part Ⅴ:Security and Arms Control in Sub-regions487
2.Development and Characteristics of Northeast Asian Arms Control496
第二节 东北亚地区军备控制的发展与特点496
Chapter Eighteen:Southeast Asian Security and Arms Control501
第十八章 东南亚地区安全与军备控制501
1.Evolution and Characteristics of Southeast Asian Security Situation501
第一节 东南亚地区安全形势的演变与特点501
2.Development and Characteristics of Southeast Asian Arms Control512
第二节 东南亚地区军备控制进程的发展与特点512
Chapter Nineteen:South Asian Security and Arms Control517
第十九章 南亚地区安全与军备控制517
1.Characteristics of South Asian Security Situation during the Cold War518
第一节 冷战时期南亚地区安全形势的特点518
2.Development of South Asian Security Situation since the End of the Cold War521
第二节 冷战结束以来南亚地区安全形势的发展521
3.Main Characteristics and Development of South Asia Arms Control534
第三节 南亚地区军备控制的特点与发展534
Chapter Twenty:Central Asian Security and Arms Control543
1.Central Asian Security Situation since the End of the Cold War543
第一节 冷战结束后中亚地区安全形势543
第二十章 中亚地区安全与军备控制543
第二节 中亚地区军备控制的进程559
2.Process of Central Asian Arms Control559
Part Ⅵ:Role of the United Nations and China in Asia-Pacific Arms Control567
Chapter Twenty-one:the United Nations and Asia-Pacific Arms Control567
1.Organizations of the United Nations Relating to Asia-Pacific Arms Control567
第一节 与亚太地区军备控制有关的联合国机构567
第二十一章 联合国与亚太地区军备控制567
第六篇 联合国和中国在亚太地区军控中的作用567
2.Role of the United Nations in Asia-Pacific Arms Control574
第二节 联合国在亚太地区军备控制中的作用574
1.Development of China s Policy of Arms Control and Disarmament589
Chapter Twenty-two:China and Asia-Pacific Arms Control and Disarmament589
第二十二章 中国与亚太地区军控和裁军589
第一节 中国军备控制和裁军政策的发展589
2.Contributions of China to Asia-Pacific Arms Control and Disarmament598
第二节 中国对亚太地区军备控制与裁军的贡献598
3.Basic Stand of China s Policy of Arms Control and Disarmament602
第三节 中国军备控制和裁军政策的基本立场602
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