
- 民国三十六年国民政府主计处统计局编 著
- 出版社: 国民政府主计处统计局
- 出版时间:1947
- 标注页数:140页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:145页
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第一类 土地与人口1
Table 1.Area1
Section Ⅰ.Area and Population1
表1 全国土地面积1
表2 全国户口2
Table 2.Population2
表3 四川省九县户口普查4
Table 3.Census of Nine Hsien in Szechwan Province4
表4 耕地与农民14
Section Ⅱ.Agriculture14
Table 4.Acreage and Farmers14
第二类 农业14
Table 5.Estimate of Principal Crops15
表5 主要农作物生产估计15
Table 6.Estimate of Livestock on Farms18
表6 牲畜数量估计18
Table 7.Distribution of Farm Tenancy19
表7 农佃分布19
表8 农工畜工供给20
Table 8.Farm Labor and Animal Labor Supply20
Table 9.Farmers Subsidiary Occupations21
表9 农民副业21
Table 10.Index Numbers of Farm Prices22
表10 农村物价指数22
Table 11.Farm Credit23
表11 农村借款23
表12 森林面积及材积量24
Table 12.Forest area and Timber Reserve24
表13 重要矿产储藏量27
第三类 矿工商业27
Table 13.Principal Mineral Deposits27
Section Ⅲ.Mining,Indnstry and Commerce27
表14 重要矿产量28
Table 14.Principal Mineral Production28
表15 矿业权之设定30
Table 15.Mining Rights30
表16 登记之工厂31
Table 16.Registration of Factories31
Table 17.Machines of Important Industries32
表17 重要工业设备32
Table 18.Principal Industrial Production34
表18 重要工业品产量34
表19 进出口货物数量36
Table 19.Amount of Imports and Exports36
Table 20.Value of Imports and Exports of Merchandise42
表20 进出口货物价值42
Table 21.Indices of wholesale Prices in Important Cities48
表21 各重要城市趸售物价指数48
Table 22.Indices of Retail Prices in Improtant Cities52
表22 各重要城市零售物价指数52
表23 电气事业56
Table 23.Electrical Service56
Section Ⅳ.Public and Private Finance57
第四类 财政与金融57
表24 国家岁入岁出总预算57
Table 24.Budgets of National Revenue and Expenditure57
表25 国家岁入岁出总决算59
Table 25.Settlement Accounts of National Revenue and Expenditure59
表26 国税收入62
Table 26.Revenue from National Taxes62
表27 田赋征实征借数63
Table 27.Food Collection in Grain and Govrnment Borrowing of Food Stuffs63
Table 28.National Loans64
表28 中央公债64
表29 各省市预算65
Table 29.Budgets of Provinces and Municipalities65
Table 30.Value of Imports and Exports of Precious Metals67
表30 进出口金银67
Table 31.Financial Institutions68
表31 金融机构68
表32 各银行普通存放款70
Table 32.General Deposits and Loans of Chinese Banks70
表33 国家行局存放款71
Table 33.Deposits and Loans of National Banks71
表34 金融行市73
Table 34.Money Market73
第五类 交通75
表35 国营铁路营业里程与车辆75
Section Ⅴ.Communication75
Table 35.Kilometrage and Rolling Stocks of Nationnal Railways75
Table 36.Passenger and Goods Traffic of National Railways77
表36 国营铁路运输77
Table 37.Length of Highways78
表37 公路里程78
表38 登记汽车辆数80
Table 38.Number of Registered Motor Vehicles80
Table 39.Passenger and Goods Traffic of National Highways81
表39 国营公路运输81
Table 40.Length of River Lines and Number of Vessels82
表40 内河航线里程与船只82
Table 41.Passenger and Goods Traffic on Rivers83
表41 内河运输83
表42 民营航空84
Table 42.Commercial Aviation84
表43 电讯线路85
Table 43.Lengths of Telegraph,Long-distane Telephone and Local Tele-phone Lines85
Table 44.Number and Words of Domestic Telegrams86
表44 国内电报次数字数86
表45 国际无线电报来去报次数字数87
Table 45.Number and Words fo International Wireless Telegrams87
Table 46.Messages through Long Distance Telephone88
表46 长途电话通话次数88
Table 47.Length of Mail Lines89
表47 邮路里程89
Table 48.Number of Mail Matters90
表48 邮递数量90
Section Ⅵ.Education91
Table 49.Number of Schools,Teachers and Staff of Higher Education91
表49 专科以上学校及教职员数91
第六类 教育91
Table 50.Students of Higher Education92
表50 专科以上学校学生数92
Table 51.Graduates of Higher Education93
表51 专科以上学校毕业生数93
Table 52.Number of Schools,Teachers and Staff of Secondary Education94
表52 中等学校数及教职员数94
Table 53.Students and Graduates of Secondary Education95
表53 中等学校学生数及毕业生数95
表54 国民教育学校数学生数及教职员数96
Table 54.Number of Schools,Teachers,Staff and Students of People s Education96
Table 55.Students of Social Educational Institutions of School Type98
表55 学校式社会教育学生数98
表56 失学民众受补习教育人数99
Table 56.Students in Adult Schools99
表57 重要社会教育机关数100
Table 57.Number of Important Institutes of Social Education100
Table 58.Number of People s Organizations and Their Members101
Section Ⅻ.Social Administration and Public Health101
表58 全国人民团体及其会员数101
第七类 社会与卫生101
Table 59.Index Numbers of the Cost of Living of Workers in Principal Cities105
表59 重要城市工人生活费指数105
Table 60.Wage Indices of Industrial Workers in Principal Cities107
表60 重要城市产业工人工资指数107
Table 61.Wage Indices of Occupational Workers in principal cities108
表61 重要城市职业工人工资指数108
表62 各大城市公务员生活费指数109
Table 62.Indices of Living Expenses of Functionaries in Principal Cities109
Table 63.Cooperative Societies111
表63 全国合作社111
表64 合作贷款113
Table 64.Loans Extended to Cooperative Societies113
Table 65.Final Trials of Civil Cases115
表65 民事终结案件115
Table 66.Final Trials of Criminal Cases116
表66 刑事终结案件116
Table 67.Number of Prisoners118
表67 监犯人数118
Table 68.Public Hospltals and Clin?cs119
表68 公立医院与诊所119
Table 69.Registration of Medical Personnel121
表69 医事人员登记121
Table 70.Communicable Diseases122
表70 传染病122
Table 71.Medical,Anti-Epidemic and General Health Work123
表71 医疗防疫与保健123
Table 72.Administrative Divisions125
Section Ⅷ.Government Structure125
第八类 政治组织125
表72 全国行政区域125
Table 73.Numbers of Hsisng (or Chen ), Pao and Chia127
表73 乡镇保甲数127
Table 74.Peoples Representative Bodies129
表74 民意机关129
Table 75.Personnel of the Central Government134
表75 中央机关公务人员134
Table 76.Personnel of the Provincial and Municipal Governments135
表76 各省市政府公务人员135
Table 77.Chinese Embassies,Legations and Consulates136
表77 驻外使领?与人员136
Table 78.Courts and Prisons137
表78 法院与监所137
Table 79.Persons Passed in Civil Examinations138
表79 考试及格人数138
Table 80.Police Organizations and Police140
表80 警察机关与人员140
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