BUSINESS 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)布卢姆斯伯里出版社编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中信出版社
- ISBN:7800736598
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:2130页
- 文件大小:339MB
- 文件页数:2166页
- 主题词:
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anagement in the 21st Century Tom Brown5
Viewpoint:Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer9
Action Learning&George Boulden12
Making Rewards and Recognition a'Whole-Person'Experience&R.Brayton Bowen14
Downsizing with Dignity&Alan Downs16
Managing Stress&Cary Cooper and Susan Cartwright18
Fringe Benefits&John Fisher21
Making Performance Appraisals a Win-win Experience&Patrick Forsyth23
Improving Company Performance with an Older Work Force&Beverly Goldberg25
Viewpoint:&Fons Trompenaars27
Boosting Business Success through Diversity&Debbe Kennedy29
Making the Workplace Flex,Not Break&Kenneth Murrell31
Finding and Keeping Top Talent&Philip Sadler33
Managing Today's Angry Workforce&Florence Stone35
Creating Fun in the Workplace&Leslie Yerkes37
Generation Veneration&Ron Zemke39
Viewpoint:&Christopher Locke41
SQ Investing in Spiritual Capital&Danah Zohar43
Viewpoint:&Christopher Bartlett45
Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace&Ann Covey and Michael Morris47
Managing Intellectual Capital&Leif Edvinsson49
Making Cultures Behave&Robert Heller51
Viewpoint:&Philip Kotler53
Managing 1:1 Marketing&Drayton Bird55
Relating to the Public&Robert Leaf57
How to Plan Marketing&Malcolm McDonald59
Marketing:The Importance of Being First&Al Ries and Laura Ries61
Creating Powerful Brands&Paul Stobart63
Managing the Customer&Merlin Stone65
Viewpoint:&Patty Seybold67
Viewpoint:&Joe Pine69
Delivering and Delighting-A New Spirit at Work&Richard Whiteley71
Marketing to the'Real-time'Consumer&Regis McKenna and Geoffrey Mott73
Viewpoint:&Charles Handy75
The Second Coming of Service&Karl Albrecht77
Organic Growth versus Acquisition&Peter Bebb79
Why Mergers Fail and How to Prevent It&Susan Cartwright81
Infusing a Company with Cutting-edge Strategy&Oren Harari83
Maximising a New Strategic Alliance&Peter Killing85
Viewpoint:&Jean-Claude Larr ch87
Outsourcing&Ronan McIvor89
The Power of Identity&Wally Olins91
Switching Strategies&Louis Patler93
Power Struggling and Power Sharing&Jonas Ridderstr le95
Globalisation and Business Strategy&Alan Rugman97
The New Frontiers in Old-economy Industries&Adrian Slytwotzky and David Morrison99
Corporate-level Strategy&David Sadtler101
Strategic Agility&John Wells103
Viewpoint:&Watts Wacker and Ryan Mathews105
The Human Value of Enterprise&Andrew Mayo107
Return on Talent&Subir Chowdhury109
Competing on Costs&Dinna Louise Dayao111
Environmental Management&John Elkington113
Human Capital&Edward Gordon115
Budgeting&Jeremy Hope,Robin Fraser,and Peter Bunce117
Finding and Keeping the Best Talent in the World&Richard Leider119
Creating Value through People&David Maister121
Allocating Corporate Capital Fairly&John Mariotti123
Intrapreneurial Warriors versus Traditional Managers&Gifford Pinchot125
Managing 21st Century Finances&Terry Carroll127
Avoiding the Mistakes of the Past:Lessons from the Start-up World&James Schrager129
Why EVA Is the Best Measurement Tool for Creating Shareholder Value&Erik Stern131
Viewpoint:&Peter Bernstein133
Managing by the Open Book&John Case135
Viewpoint:&John Seely Brown137
Enterprise Information Systems&Thomas Davenport139
Developing an Internet-era Mindset throughout the Organisation&John Nirenberg141
Integrating Real and Virtual Strategies&David Stauffer143
The Business Web&Don Tapscott145
Viewpoint:&Jeffrey F.Rayport147
Making B2B Your New Operational Standard&Mike Cunningham150
Data Mining&Michael Griggs and Maggie Kennedy152
Marketspaces&Jeffrey F.Rayport154
Creating a Company Website to Reflect Your Company&Gerry McGovern157
Intellectual Capital&Thomas Stewart159
Viewpoint:&David Weinberger161
Viewpoint:&Tom Petzinger163
Project Management&Robert Buttrick165
Virtual Collaboration&Stewart Clegg,Antoine Hermens,and Salvador Porras167
Integrating Technology into Business Processes&Donryn Dewar and Melanie Ellis169
Managing by Individual Objectives&Richard Handscombe171
The True Total Quality&Masaaki Imai173
The Good,the Fad,and the Ugly&Lucy Kellaway175
Preventing Corporate Systems from Holding You Back&Leslie Kossoff177
Facilities Management&Keith Alexander179
Working from the Outside In&Bill Jensen181
Lean Manufacturing&Daniel Jones183
Getting All Your People Committed to Change and Transformation&John Smythe185
Managing the Challenge of E-service&Christopher Voss188
Viewpoint:&Sumantra Ghoshal190
The Critical Factors That Build or Break Teams&Meredith Belbin192
Groundhog Management&Robert Fritz194
Retaining Employees&Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan Evans196
Keeping Control in Nonhierarchical Organisations&Karin Klenke198
Managing in a 24/7 Organisation&Thomas Koulopoulos200
Self-managed Teams:How They Succeed or Fail&Andrew Leigh and Michael Maynard202
Workers without Borders:Creating Bonds When Workers Have No Loyalty&Perry Pascarella204
Converting Anonymity into Participation in a Membership Organisation&Jane Galloway Seiling206
Overcoming the Difficulties of Managing a Virtual Organisation&Jim Underwood208
Re-organising the Firm without Destroying It&Colin Price210
Viewpoint:&Warren Bennis212
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership&Rick Lash214
Who's Guiding Your Corporate Destiny?&Don Blohowiak216
Deciding Key Operational Questions&Mark Brown218
Boardroom Roles&Adrian Cadbury220
Really Leading:Leadership That Is Authentic,Conscious,and Effective&Debashis Chatterjee222
Viewpoint:&Noel Tichy224
Leadership&Peter de la Billiere226
How to Walk on the Leading Edge without Falling off the Cliff&Judith Neal229
Business Ethics&Sue Newell231
New Role Models for Enlightened Leadership&Charles R.Day233
Viewpoint:&Jim Collins235
Breaking the Glass Ceiling&Katherine Hammer237
Governing the Corporation&Hugh Parker239
Viewpoint:&Henry Mintzberg241
Investing in Technology&Steve Bone243
X-engineering Success&James Champy245
Creating Strategic Excellence&Mike Freedman247
Viewpoint:&Michael Hammer249
Turnaround Strategies&John Harvey-Jones251
Tuning into the Harmonics of Management&Dorothy Marcic253
Core versus Context:Managing Resources in a Downturn&Geoffrey Moore255
Snapping Managerial Inertia&Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton257
The Future of Money&Bernard Lietaer259
Competitor Analysis:From Data to Insight&Liam Fahey261
Viewpoint:&Peter Leyden and Peter Schwarz263
Now!-The Role of Urgency in Creating Positive Change&John Reh265
Scenario Planning&Gill Ringland267
Managing the End of Growth&Robert Tomasko269
Creating Corporate Creativity&Edward de Bono271
Viewpoint:&Margaret Wheatley273
Managing New Product Portfolios&Robert Cooper and Scott Edgett275
Managing Dynamic Change&Robert Heller277
Why Managers Need Futurists&Marie-Therese Hoppe279
Building Grear Internal Partnerships&Chip Bell281
Raising the Bar:Setting Effective Targets&Matthew Budman283
New Yardsticks for Performance and Productivity in an E-world&Peter Cohan285
Using Management Consultants Effectively&Steve Markwell287
Making Loyalty Work&John Frazer-Robinson289
Corporate Social Responsibility:Are You Giving Back or Just Giving Away?&Gus Gustafson291
From Crisis Management to Crisis Leadership&Ian Mitroff293
Benchmarking&Paul Spenley295
Matching Pay to Achievement&Peter Brown297
Improving Corporate Profitability through Accountability Mark&Epstein and Priscilla Wisner299
Organisational Learning and Performance&Jerry Gilley and Ann Maycunich301
The Balanced Scorecard&Robert Kaplan and David Norton303
Setting Objectives for a Business&Allan Kennedy305
Profiting from Prices&Michal de Kare-Silver307
Viewpoint:&Jim Kouzes309
Emotional Intelligence&Cary Cherniss and Daniel Goleman312
Preventing Your Work Problems from Causing You Stress&David Allen314
Avoiding Your Worst Career Nightmare&Martha Finney316
Brainstorming&Jules Goddard318
Urbane Renewal:Trusting Your Own Wisdom-A Competitive and Satisfying Advantage&Cliff Hakim320
Viewpoint:&William Bridges322
Taking Charge of Your Career&Andrew Lambert324
Mentoring&Max Landsberg326
Coaching&Max Landsberg328
Driving Fear from the Workplace&Dick Richards330
Managing Internal Politics&Kathleen Reardon332
How Managers Stay Up When Times Are Down&Paul Stoltz334
Choosing the Best Training Curriculum&Dan Tobin336
Developing Exceptional Problem-solving Skills&Chris Hoenig338
Coaching for Better Performance344
Conducting a Performance Appraisal346
Counselling your Colleagues348
Developing Passive People350
Emotional Intelligence354
Handling Conflict Situations356
Introducing Flexible Working into your Organisation358
Leading from the Middle360
Managing Absenteeism362
Managing Staff Turnover and Retention364
Managing the Plateaued Performer366
Mentoring in Practice368
Managing Creativity370
Motivating Your Staff in a Time of Change372
Planning Overseas Assignments374
Redundancy-Breaking the News376
Steps in Successful Team Building378
Successful Delegation380
Undertaking a Disciplinary Interview382
Using 360-degree feedback384
Using Your Staff to Mutual Advantage386
The Psychological Contract388
Working Out Your Redundancy Package390
Effective Communications:Preparing Presentations392
Effective Communications:Delivering Presentations394
Handling Effective Meetings396
Managing Your Time Effectively398
Personal Development Planning400
Planning Your Retirement402
Preparing for Appraisal404
Report Writing406
Solving Problems408
Starting a New Job410
Stress Management:Self First412
Succeeding As a New Manager414
The Woman Returner-Getting Back to Work416
Working Out a Career Plan418
Work/life balance420
Training Needs Analysis422
Evaluating Training424
Planning a Workshop426
Planning Assessment and Development Centres428
Planning the Recruitment Process430
Attracting and Retaining Women Returners432
Preparing and Using Job Descriptions434
Implementing a Job Evaluation Scheme436
Setting Up a Performance-related Pay Scheme438
Introducing an Equal Opportunities Policy440
Implementing a Diversity Management Programme442
Investing in People444
Setting Up a Suggestion Scheme446
Undertaking an Employee Attitude Survey448
Setting Up Childcare Policies450
Setting Up a Grievance Procedure452
Setting Up a Disciplinary Procedure454
Codes of Ethics456
Developing a Manufacturing Strategy458
Developing a Strategy for World Class Business460
Getting Close to the Customer462
Handling Complaints464
Moving toward the Virtual Organisation466
Performing a SWOT Analysis468
Planning a Conference470
Preparing a Marketing Plan472
Producing a Corporate Mission474
Public Relations Planning476
Setting Up a Customer Care Programme478
Setting Objectives480
Strategic Partnering482
Strategic Planning484
Writing a Business Plan486
A Programme for Benchmarking488
Deciding Whether to Outsource490
Disaster Planning492
Effective Purchasing494
Establishing a Performance Measurement System496
Health and Safety:Managing the Process498
Health and Safety:Undertaking a Risk Assessment500
Implementing a Service Level Agreement502
Implementing an Effective Change Programme504
Implementing Business Process Re-engineering506
Implementing Kaizen508
Implementing the Balanced Scorecard510
Managing Projects512
Preparing for Business Abroad514
Setting Up an Energy Management Scheme516
Stock Control518
Taking Action on the Environment520
Total Quality:Getting TQM to Work522
Total Quality:Mapping a TQM Strategy524
Using Management Consulting Services Effectively526
Cash-flow for the Small Business528
Drawing Up a Contract of Employment530
Five Routes to Greater Profitability532
Franchising Your Business534
Marketing for the Small Business536
Starting a Small Business538
Carrying Out an Information Audit540
Collecting Debts544
Controlling a Budget546
Controlling Costs548
Controlling Credit550
Designing Questionnaires552
Drawing Up a Budget554
Effective Business Writing556
Effective Communications:Communicating with Groups558
Gathering Competitive Intelligence560
Implementing Statistical Process Control562
Internal Audit564
Making Rational Decisions566
Open Systems Thinking568
Planning the Replacement of Software Systems570
Six Sigma572
Shareholder Value Analysis574
The Key Issues of Implementing E-commerce580
How to Deliver Quality Online Customer Service and Support582
How to Implement Customer Relationship Management584
How to Develop a Personalisation Strategy for a Website586
How to Manage Payments Online588
The Key Principles to Consider When Designing a Website590
How to Set Up a Basic Website592
How to Build a Website Team594
How to Add Multimedia to a Website596
The Key Principles of Website Management598
Day-to-day Maintenance of a Website600
How to Deal Effectively with Computer Viruses601
How to Implement Effective Internet Security602
How to Outsource Your Website Operations604
How to Host or Select a Hosting Company606
Understanding the Key Principles of Content Management608
How to Make Sure Content Is Professionally Created,Edited,and Published610
How to Develop Appropriate Metadata and Classification for a Website612
How to Make a Website Easy to Navigate614
How to Implement an Effective Search Process for a Website616
How to Use the Internet to Create Content Collaboratively617
Setting Up a Subscription Process618
Writing Well for the Web620
Understanding the Key Principles of Internet Marketing622
Collecting Consumer Data on the Internet624
How to Deliver the Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on the Web626
How to Get the Best from Loyalty Programmes on the Web627
How to Apply a Viral Marketing Approach on the Internet628
How to Generate Content and Build Loyalty through Online Communities629
How to Promote Your Website Effectively630
How to Use E-mail Marketing Effectively632
How to Get the Best from E-marketplaces634
How to Make the Most of an Intranet636
How to Establish an Enterprise Portal638
Setting Up an Extranet639
How to Add Value through E-alliances640
Implementing Effective E-learning within the Organisation642
How to Use Videoconferencing Effectively644
Exploring Peer-to-peer(P2P)Commerce646
Legal Issues in E-commerce648
Better Communication with Resellers650
Getting Better Results from Your Agency652
Integrating Advertising with Other Campaigns654
Planning an Advertising Campaign656
Preparing an Agency Brief658
Measuring Advertising Performance660
Selecting ar Advertising Agency662
Setting Advertising Objectives664
Building One-to-one Relationships666
Building Partnership with Business Customers668
Communicating Customer Service670
Handling Customer Incidents672
Handling Customer Inquiries674
Increasing Lifetime Customer Value676
Running a Customer Loyalty Programme678
Setting Up a Customer Interaction Centre680
Building a Mailing List682
Creating Direct Mail Material684
Improving Direct Mail Response Rates686
Planning a Direct Marketing Campaign688
Planning a Customer Event690
Running a Networked Conference692
Running a Salesforce Incentive Campaign694
Designing a Response Mechanism696
Generating More Leads698
Converting Leads into Sales700
Carrying Out Customer Research702
Getting Competitor Intelligence704
Involving Customers in Product Development706
Making Better Use of Customer Data708
Profiling Decision-Makers710
Branding a Business Product712
Raising the Awareness of Business Brands714
Creating Product Literature716
Extending a Product718
Introducing a New Product to Market720
Planning Corporate Public Relations Campaign722
Producing a Corporate Brochure724
Producing Press Material726
Running a Product Public Relations Campaign728
Planning Promotions730
Running a Price Campaign732
Running Sales Meetings734
Supporting Campaigns with Telemarketing736
Dealing with Press Inquiries738
Managing Retailer Marketing Programmes740
Offering Customers Self-Service742
Finding Your Calling and Living Your Passion-The Dream Job744
Choosing the Right First Job746
Identifying Your Marketable Skills748
Creating Cover Letters That Sell750
Winning CVs:Creating a Marketing Tool That Gets You the Interview752
Winning CVs:Preparing Different Types of CV754
Researching the Job Market756
How to Network and Market Yourself758
Building a Fantastic Contact List760
Preparing for the Job Interview:How to Stand Out from the Crowd762
Staying Cool in a Panel Interview764
Answering Tricky Interview Questions766
Handling Inappropriate Questions in an Interview768
Understanding Psychometric Tests770
How to Negotiate Your Salary and Your Benefits772
Using the Web As a Career Resource774
Using Lateral Moves to Further Your Career776
Managing Upwards:Making Your Boss Your Strongest Ally778
Working with Mentors:Developing Critical Relationships with Powerful People780
Developing an International Career782
Getting Promoted:Forget Your Boss,Serve Your Customers784
Staying Marketable:Identifying Your Transferable Skills786
Getting Paid What You're Worth:How to Assess Your Value in the Marketplace788
Successfully Negotiating the Pay Rise You Deserve790
Managing Dual Career Dilemmas792
Getting the Most from Your Professional Career Consultant794
Virtual Jobs:Staying Connected and Visible while Telecommuting796
Losing Your Job?Survival Strategies for Starting Over798
Leaving with Style:How to Exit with Dignity800
Managing Career Transitions:How to Enter an Entirely New Field802
Creating and Balancing the Portfolio Career804
Making the Decision to Take a Risky Career Move806
Working in Interim Management808
Finding and working with Search Firms810
Downshiffing:Working Less and Enjoying It More812
Freelancing:Setting Up As a Free Agent814
Setting Up and Maintaining Your Home Office816
Assessing Your Entrepreneurial Profile:Do You Have What It Takes?818
Preparing for Retirement with Dignity and Grace820
Calculating Asset Tunnover822
Calculating Annual Percentage Rate822
Calculating Bond Yield823
Calculating Book Value823
Calculating Contribution Margin824
Calculating Conversion Price825
Calculating Conversion Ratio825
Calculating Days Sales Outstanding826
Calculating Debt-to-Capital Ratio827
Calculating Debt-to-Equity Ratio828
Calculating Debtor and Creditor Days828
Calculating Payback Period829
Calculating Efficiency and Operating Ratios830
Calculating Expected Rate of Return831
Calculating Elasticity831
Calculating Future Value832
Calculating Internal Rate of Return832
Calculating Marginal Cost833
Calculating Net Present Value834
Calculating Rate of Return835
Calculating Return on Sales835
Calculating Return on Assets836
Calculating Return on Investment837
Calculating Return on Shareholders'Equity837
Calculating Alpha and Beta Value of a Security838
Calculating the Future Value of an Annuity839
Calculating Working Capital Productivity839
Calculating Risk-adjusted Rate of Return840
Calculating Economic Value Added841
Calculating Exchange Rate Risk842
Calculating Total Return843
Calculating Price/Earnings(P/E)Ratio844
Calculating the Current Price of a Bond844
Calculating Asset Utilisation845
Calculating Accounts Receivable Turnover846
Calculating a Capital Asset Pricing Model847
Calculating Current Ratio848
Calculating the Reserve Ratio848
Calculating Capitalisation Ratios849
Calculating Acid-test Ratio850
Calculating Convertible Preference Shares851
Creating a Balance Sheet852
Creating a Profit and Loss Account853
Creating a Cash-Flow Statement854
Reading a Balance Sheet855
Reading a Profit and Loss Account857
Reading a Cash-Flow Statement859
Defining Assets860
Calculating the Cost of Goods Sold(COGS)861
Calculating Working Capital862
Calculating Goodwill and Patents863
Calculating Yield863
Reading an Annual Report864
Calculating Depreciation866
Calculating Enterprise Value868
Calculating Amortisation869
Calculating Activity-based Costing870
Calculating Price/Sales(P/S)Ratio872
Distinguishing between a Finance and an Operating Lease873
Calculating Borrowing Costs and Capitalisation874
Reading the Financial Pages875
Calculating EBITDA877
Calculating Dividend Cover878
Calculating Interest Cover879
Calculating Earnings per Share880
Action Learning&by Reg Revans886
Administrative Behavior&by Herbert Simon887
The Age of Discontinuity&by Peter Drucker888
The Age of Unreason&by Charles Handy889
The Art of Japanese Management&by Richard Pascale&Anthony Athos890
The Art of War&by Sun Tzu891
A Behavioral Theory of the Firm&by Richard Cyert&James March892
BLUR&by Stan Davis&Christopher Meyer893
The Borderless World&by Kenichi Ohmae894
Built to Last&by James Collins&Jerry Porras895
A Business and Its Beliefs&by Thomas Watson Jr896
The Change Masters&by Rosabeth Moss Kanter897
The Changing Culture of a Factory&by Elliot Jaques898
Competing for the Future&by Gary Hamel&C.K.Prahalad899
The Competitive Advantage of Nations&by Michael Porter900
Competitive Strategy&by Michael Porter901
Corporate Strategy&by Igor Ansoff902
Corporate-level Strategy&by Michael Goold,Marcus Alexander,&Andrew Campbell903
Dynamic Administration&by Mary Parker Follett904
The Fifth Discipline&by Peter Senge905
The Functions of the Executive&by Chester Barnard906
General and Industrial Management&by Henri Fayol907
How to Win Friends and Influence People&by Dale Carnegie908
The HP Way&by David Packard909
The Human Problems of an Industrial Civisation&by Elton Mayo910
The Human Side of Enterprise&by Douglas McGregor911
In Search of Excellence&by Tom Peters&Robert Waterman912
Innovation in Marketing&by Theodore Levitt913
Intellectual Capital&by Thomas Stewart914
Leaders&by Warren Bennis&Burt Nanus915
Leadership&by James McGregor Burns916
The Living Company&by Arie de Geus917
Made in Japan&by Akio Morita918
Management Teams:Why They Succeed or Fail&by Meredith Belbin919
The Managerial Grid&by Robert Blake&Jane Mouton920
Managing&by Harold Geneen921
Managing across Borders&by Christopher Bartlett&Sumantra Ghoshal922
Managing on the Edge&by Richard Pascale923
Marketing Management&by Philip Kotler924
Megatrends&by John Naisbitt925
The Mind of the Strategist&by Kenichi Ohmae926
Moments of Truth&by Jan Carlzon927
Motivation and Personality&by Abraham Maslow928
The Motivation to Work&by Frederick Herzberg929
My Life and Work&by Henry Ford930
My Years with General Motors&by Alfred Sloan931
The Nature of Managerial Work&by Henry Mintzberg932
New Patterns in Management&by Rensis Likert933
On the Economy of Machinery&Manufacture&by Charles Babbage934
Onward Industry&by James Mooney&Alan Reily935
The Organization Man&by William Whyte936
Organisational Culture&Leadership&by Edgar Schein937
Organisational Learning&by Chris Argyris&Donald sch n938
Out of the Crisis&by W.Edwards Deming939
Parkinson's Law&by C.Northcote Parkinson940
The Peter Principle&by Laurence Peter941
Planning for Quality&by Joseph Juran942
The Practice of Management&by Peter Drucker943
The Prince&by Niccol Machiavelli944
The Principles of Scientific Management&by Frederick W.Taylor945
The Quest for Prosperity&by Konosuke Matsushita946
Reengineering the Corporation&by James Champy&Michael Hammer947
Riding the Waves of Culture&by Fons Trompenaars948
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning&by Henry Mintzberg949
Strategy and Structure&by Alfred Chandler950
The Theory of Social and Economic Organisation&by Max Weber951
The Third Wave&by Alvin Toffler952
Toyota Production System&by Taiichi Ohno953
The Wealth of Nations&by Adam Smith954
The Will to Manage&by Marvin Bower955
John Adair960
Igor Ansoff962
Chris Argyris964
R.Meredith Belbin966
Warren Bennis968
Kenneth Blanchard970
Dale Carnegie972
Alfred Chandler974
Stephen Covey976
Philip Crosby978
W.Edwards Deming980
Peter Drucker982
Henri Fayol986
Mary Parker Follett988
Henry Gantt990
Sumantra Ghoshal992
Frank&Lillian Gilbreth994
Daniel Goleman996
Gary Hamel998
Charles Handy1000
Frederick Herzberg1002
Geert Hofstede1004
Joseph Juran1006
Rosabeth Moss Kanter1008
Robert Kaplan1010
Theodore Levitt1012
Kurt Lewin1014
Niccolò Machiavelli1016
Abraham Maslow1018
Ehon Mayo1020
Douglas McGregor1022
Henry Mintzberg1024
Ikujiro Nonaka1026
Kenichi Ohmae1028
Taiichi Ohno1030
Robert Owen1032
Richard Pascale1034
Tom Peters1036
Michael Porter1038
Reg Revans1042
Edgar Schein1044
Peter Senge1046
Adam Smith1048
Sun Tzu1050
Genichi Taguchi1052
Alvin Toffler1056
Victor Vroom1058
Max Weber1060
John Jacob Astor1062
Jeffery Bezos1064
Warren Buffett1066
Andrew Carnegie1068
Steve Case1070
Michael Dell1072
Walter Elias Disney1074
George Eastman1076
Thomas Alva Edison1078
Henry Ford1080
Bill Gates1082
Harold Geneen1084
King Camp Gillette1086
Andrew Grove1088
William Randolph Hearst1090
Milton Hershey1092
Soichiro Honda1094
Howard Robard Hughes Jr1096
Lee Iacocca1098
Steve Jobs1100
Ingvar Kamprad1102
Herb Kelleher1104
Ray Kroc1106
Estée Lauder1108
Henry Robinson Luce1110
Cyrus McCormick1112
Konosuke Matsushita1114
Louis Mayer1116
Akio Morita1120
Rupert Murdoch1122
David Ogilvy1124
Dave Packard1126
John Patterson1128
Arthur Rock1130
John D.Rockefeller1132
Anita Roddick1134
Julius Rosenwald1136
David Sarnoff1138
Alfred Sloan Jr1140
Martha Stewart1142
Eiji Toyoda1144
Ted Turner1146
Theodore Newton Vail1148
Cornelius Vanderbilt1150
Samuel Walton1152
Thomas Watson Sr1154
Jack Welch1156
Oprah Winffey1158
Robert Woodruff1160
Frank W.Woolworth1162
World Economy tables1370
Country profiles1428
US state profiles1728
Industry profiles1783
Acquisitions,Takeovers,and Mergers1859
Analytical Techniques and Statistics1864
Auditing and Management Audit1865
Bankruptcy and Business Failure1867
Business Appraisal and Performance Measurement1873
Business Ethics and Codes of Practice1876
Business Plans and Planning1878
Business Process Re-engineering1880
Change Management1882
Coaching,Counselling,and Mentoring1884
Computers,Information Technology,and E-commerce1890
Conditions of Employment1892
Conferences and Exhibitions1895
Consulting Services/Management Consultants1896
Contingency,Crisis,Disaster Management1898
Contracts and Contracting1901
Corporate Culture1902
Corporate Strategy1903
Creating a CV1906
Customer Relations/Service1908
Decision-making and Problem-solving1910
Direct Marketing1913
Education Management1917
Employee Benefits/Compensation1919
Employee Participation in Management1921
Employee Relations1924
Employment Law1927
Environmental Management1932
Equal Opportunities1934
Facilities Management1939
Finding Out What You're Worth:Remuneration/Salary1941
Flexible Working/Teleworking/Homeworking1943
Forecasting and Scenario Planning1945
General Business Information:Online Business Newspapers1948
General Business Information:Online Financial Info1949
General Business Information:Online Human Resources1949
General Business Information:Online Marketing Sources1950
Health and Safety1951
Health Services Management1954
Information Management1957
Innovation and Creativity1959
Intellectual Property1962
Interfirm Co-operation,Strategic Alliances,Joint Ventures1964
Internal Communication1966
International Management,Cross-cultural Management1968
Interpersonal Communication/Relations1970
ISO 90001973
Japanese Management Techniques1974
Job Hunting1976
Knowledge Management1977
Learning Organisation1983
Logistics and Distribution1985
Management Buyouts1988
Management Development1989
Management Education:Executive Training1992
Management Education:MBAs1994
Management Styles1995
Management Theorists1997
Manufacturing Systems1999
Market Research&Competitor Intelligence2001
Marketing Management2004
Mission Statements2008
New Product Development2012
Non-profit Organisations2015
Organisation and Organisation Structure2017
Performance Appraisal2022
Personnel Management and HR Management2025
Physical Working Conditions/Ergonomics2029
Planning for Retirement2031
Planning Your Career2033
Process Control and Statistical Process Control2037
Product and Brand Management2039
Project Management2041
Psychological Tests2043
Public Relations2046
Public Sector Management2049
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management2052
Quality and Total Quality Management2054
Recruitment and Selection2056
Research and Development(R&D)Management2063
Risk Management2064
Selling and Salesmanship2066
Small and Growing Businesses2069
Social Responsibility of Management2072
Stress and Stress Management2075
Teams and Team Building2079
The Top Ten Business and Management Websites:International2081
The Top Ten Business and Management Websites:UK2082
The Top Ten Business and Management Websites:US2082
The Top Ten Business Search Engines/Aggregators2083
The Top Twenty Business Magazines2083
The Top Twenty Business Publishers2085
Training and Development2086
Training Methods2088
Venture Capital2091
Working Abroad2093
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