
- 赵巍编 著
- 出版社: 济南:山东大学出版社
- ISBN:9787560751757
- 出版时间:2014
- 标注页数:174页
- 文件大小:22MB
- 文件页数:189页
- 主题词:翻译理论-研究-西方国家
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Chapter One Cultural Transmissions in Ancient Times1
1.1 Earliest Translations in Ancient Times1
1.1.1 Socio-cultural Background1
1.1.2 The Septuagint and the Letter of Aristeas2
1.1.3 The Rosetta Stone6
Further Readings6
Topics for Discussion6
1.2 Secular Translators in Ancient Rome7
1.2.1 Socio-cultural Background7
1.2.2 Roman Translation of Greek Secular Culture7
1.2.3 Andronicus,Naevius,Ennius and Plautus8
1.2.4 Cicero12
1.2.5 Horace,Pliny the Younger and Quintilian13
Further Readings14
Topics for Discussion15
1.3 Bible Translators in Late Ancient Rome15
1.3.1 Socio-cultural Background16
1.3.2 Philo17
1.3.3 Jerome18
1.3.4 Augustine21
Further Readings25
Topics for Discussion25
1.4 Chapter Summary25
Chapter Two Cultural Dissemination during the Middle Ages27
2.1 Translators in Early Middle Ages27
2.1.1 Socio-cultural Background27
2.1.2 Boethius30
2.1.3 Translations into Visigoth(Bishop Ulfila)32
2.1.4 Translations into the Old English Language(Alfred the Great and Aelfric)33
Further Readings37
Topics for Discussion38
2.2 Schools of Translation in High Middle Ages38
2.2.1 Socio-cultural Background38
2.2.2 Arabization at the School of Translation ofBagdad39
2.2.3 Christianization at the School of Translation of Toledo43
Further Readings49
Topics for Discussion50
2.3 Translators in Late Middle Ages50
2.3.1 Socio-cultural Background50
2.3.2 Italian Translation Tradition(Dante and Bruni)51
2.3.3 Translations into Middle English(Chaucer,Caxton and Wycliffe)56
Further Readings67
Topics for Discussion68
2.4 Chapter Summary68
Chapter Three Translations during the Renaissance70
3.1 Socio-cultural Background70
3.2 Translations in German Language Area72
3.2.1 Socio-cultural Background72
3.2.2 Humanist Bible translator Erasmus73
3.2.3 Germanization in Luther's Bible78
Further Readings81
Topics for Discussion81
3.3 Translations in French Language Area82
3.3.1 Socio-cultural Background82
3.3.2 The Pléiade and Du Bellay83
3.3.3 Dolet,Amyot and Pasquier87
Further Readings91
Topics for Discussion91
3.4 Translations in Renaissance England92
3.4.1 Socio-cultural Background92
3.4.2 Secular Translations(North,Cheke,Chapman)94
3.4.3 Bible Translations(Tyndale and Fulke)103
3.4.4 The Authorized Version of the Bible109
Further Readings111
Topics for Discussion112
3.5 Chapter Summary112
Chapter Four Cultural Dissemination in the Modern Era115
4.1 Socio-cultural Background115
4.2 Translations in Modern France117
4.2.1 Socio-cultural Background117
4.2.2 D'Ablancout and the Belles Infideles118
4.2.3 The Quarrels of the Ancients and the Moderns121
4.2.4 Madame Dacier125
4.2.5 Batteux127
4.2.6 France's Infatuation with the Gothic Novels129
4.2.7 French Translation of Shakespeare131
4.2.8 Translations in the 19th-Century France134
Further Readings136
Topics for Discussion136
4.3 Translations in Modern Germany137
4.3.1 Socio-cultural Background137
4.3.2 Herder,Goethe and Schleiermacher139
4.3.3 Humboldt,Schlegel and Holderlin145
Further Readings149
Topics for Discussion150
4.4 Translations in Modern England150
4.4.1 Translations in Modern England:Socio-cultural Background151
4.4.2 Cowley and Dryden151
4.4.3 Pope,Johnson,Tytler and FitzGerald154
4.4.4 Debate over the Translating of Homer162
Further Readings165
Topics for Discussion166
4.5 Chapter Summary166
Afterword:Major Findings and Limitations169
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