
幼儿钢琴教程 下 修订本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

幼儿钢琴教程 下 修订本
  • 李斐岚,董刚锐编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:人民音乐出版社
  • ISBN:7103015120
  • 出版时间:1999
  • 标注页数:131页
  • 文件大小:29MB
  • 文件页数:142页
  • 主题词:


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曲目 Pieces1

五指位置的弹奏(十六分音符引入) Five - f Position(Introducing Sixteenth Notes)1

三拍子的固定音型伴奏 Alberti Bass in Triple Time1

86.白云飘 Clouds1

引入符点四分音符 Introducing Dotted Quarter Notes2

87.艺术体操 Artistic Gym2

88.划小船 Boating3

跳音与连音的交替弹奏 Alternating Staccato and Legato Touch4

89.八音盒 Music Box4

寻找较远距离的音 Finding Distant Keys6

90.小合奏 A Little Band6

四拍子的固定音型伴奏等 Alberti Bass in Four Quarter Time etc.7

91.水上的天鹅 Swans on the L ake7

92.一条小河 A Brook8

93.山泉的歌 Song of the Mountain Spring10

94.公园里面花儿开 Flowers Blooming in the Park11

引入十六分音符 Introducing Sixteenth Notes12

95.比比谁的蛋儿大 Who’s Egg is the Biggest?12

引入切分音 Introducing Syncopations14

96.蒙族舞 Folk Dance14

97.大公鸡 The Cock15

引入轮指奏法 Introducing Repeated Notes with Finger Changes16

98.小雨点 Raindrops16

跳音与连音的交替弹奏 Alternating Staccato and Legato Touch17

99.快乐的小鸟 The Happy Bird17

十六分音符的灵巧弹奏 Light Playing of Sixteenth Notes18

100.小骑兵(练习曲) Little Rider (Study)18

101.跳皮筋 Rubber Band Skipping19

双手交叉及交替弹奏连音与跳音 Crossing and Alternating Hands in Legato and Staccato Play-ing21

102.玩蹦蹦床 Jumping Fun21

含十六分音的轮指 Repeated Sixteenth Notes Playing22

103.啄木鸟的歌 Woodpecker’s Song22

以听觉模仿方式转移十二个大调交叉手位弹奏和弦或琶音 Transposing Chords or Arpeggios in 12 Major Key Played with Crossing Hands and Learning by Ear25

104.霓虹灯的色彩 Colours of the Neon Light25

3 4 、4 4节拍交替及交叉手位 Interlaced 3 4 、4 4 Tempo with Cross—hand Position26

105.一对布谷鸟 A Cuckoo Couple26

引入附点八分音符 Introducing Dotted Eighth Notes28

106.跑旱船(采莲船) The Lotus Collecting Boat28

107.抬花轿 The Bridal Sedan Chair30

108.舞龙灯 The Dragon Lantern Dance32

四手联弹 Duet34

109.葡萄园里 In the Grapery34

110.快乐的小钢琴手 The Happy Little Pianist38

带有大指转位的弹奏 Crossing the Thumb under the Hand or Turning over the Thumb40

单手音阶练习 Scale Study with one Hand40

111.问与答(小练习) Question and Answer(Study)40

112.一只蝴蝶飞呀飞 A Flying Butterfly41

半音转指练习 Chromatic Scale Study42

113.神秘的宇宙 Mystic Space42

114.荡秋千 Up in a Swing43

115.小猴骑车 The Monkey Rider44

双音练习 Double Notes Study45

116.小小积木盖高楼 Toy Building Bricks45

117.藏族舞(双音练习曲) Folk Dance (Study in Double Notes)46

交替的琶音 Locked Arpeggios48

118.风筝 The Kite48

较长旋律线的练习 Study of Long Melodic Line50

119.看月亮 Looking at the Moon50

120.孔雀舞 Folk Dance52

121.朝鲜族舞——道拉基 Folk Dance53

双音与和弦等 Double Notes and Chords etc.54

122.练习曲四首(不同类型) Four Studies( Different Patterns)54

123.快乐的啰嗦 Folk Dance57

带情节描述的独奏小曲 A Descriptive Recital Piece58

124.三只小白兔和大灰狼 Three Rabbits and a Wolf58

音阶式走句 Scale passage62

125.滑滑梯 Sliding Down62

复调练习 Polyphonic Study63

126.双人舞 Duet63

127.河北民歌 Folk Song64

带保留声部的练习 Study with a Holding Voice65

128.冬天到 Winter is Coming65

调性转换的练习 Modulation Study66

129.在雪地上玩耍 Playing on the Snow66

十六分音符的灵巧弹奏 Light Playing of Sixteenth Notes67

130.数蛤蟆 Folk Song (Counting Frogs)67

轮指(3、2、1指) Repeated Notes (with 3, 2 ,1. Fingers)68

131.内蒙古小骑兵舞 The Mongolian little Rider68

轮指(4、3、2、1指) Repeated Notes(with4,3,2,1. Fingers)69

132.狗熊滚球 The Bear and the Ball69

带半音的三连音 Triplets in Chromatic Scale70

133.小木偶的舞蹈 The Puppet’s Dance70

音乐的理解和表现 Musical Understanding and Expression72

134.弟弟的梦 Little Boy’s Dream72

双手交叉的位置 Cross - hand Position74

135.小小水车长又长 Folk Song(The Water - Wheel)74

跳音与连音的交替弹奏 Interlaced Staccato and Legato Playing75

136.小花猫和毛线球 The Cat and the Knitting Ball75

137.小扁担 The Little Shoulder Pole77

速度变化的练习 Study in Tempo Changes78

138.拔萝卜 Pulling out Radishes78

稳定而均匀的速度 Steady and Even Tempo80

139.“红领巾”进行曲 March of the“ Red Ties”80

140.“龟兔赛跑”小组曲 Little Suite——Race between the Tortoise and the Hare82

141.“信天游”主题小变奏曲 Little Variation on a Folk Tune87

带保留声部的练习 Study with a Holding Voice90

142.小舞曲三首(练习曲) Three Little Dances(Study)90

四手联弹 Duet94

143.飞翔的白鸽 Flying White Pigeons94

144.我们的节日 Our Festival Day98

145.开学第一天 The First Day in School Year102

附乐曲(适合车尔尼299程度以上的学生) Pieces for students of Czerny op. 299 Level or Above110

小运动员组曲 Suite Little Sportsmen110

1.早操 Morning Exercises110

2.剑舞 Sword——dance(Black keys Study)114

3.游泳 Swimming117

4.赛跑 Race121

5.艺术体操 Artistic Gym123

6.小运动员进行曲 March126

本教程所涉及的音乐术语译名对照 Musical Signs and Terms in this Course130

纪念页Album Leaf131
